Tag Archives: GNNs

Graphormer: Merging GNNs and Transformers for Cheminformatics

This is my first OPIG blog! I’m going to start with a summary of the Graphormer, a Graph Neural Network (GNN) that borrows concepts from Transformers to boost performance on graph tasks. This post is largely based on the NeurIPS paper Do Transformers Really Perform Bad for Graph Representation? by Ying et. al., which introduces the Graphormer, and which we read for our last deep learning journal club. The project has now been integrated as a Microsoft Research project.

I’ll start with a cheap and cheerful summary of Transformers and GNNs before diving into the changes in the Graphormer. Enjoy!

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Universal graph pooling for GNNs

Graph neural networks (GNNs) have quickly become one of the most important tools in computational chemistry and molecular machine learning. GNNs are a type of deep learning architecture designed for the adaptive extraction of vectorial features directly from graph-shaped input data, such as low-level molecular graphs. The feature-extraction mechanism of most modern GNNs can be decomposed into two phases:

  • Message-passing: In this phase the node feature vectors of the graph are iteratively updated following a trainable local neighbourhood-aggregation scheme often referred to as message-passing. Each iteration delivers a set of updated node feature vectors which is then imagined to form a new “layer” on top of all the previous sets of node feature vectors.
  • Global graph pooling: After a sufficient number of layers has been computed, the updated node feature vectors are used to generate a single vectorial representation of the entire graph. This step is known as global graph readout or global graph pooling. Usually only the top layer (i.e. the final set of updated node feature vectors) is used for global graph pooling, but variations of this are possible that involve all computed graph layers and even the set of initial node feature vectors. Commonly employed global graph pooling strategies include taking the sum or the average of the node features in the top graph layer.

While a lot of research attention has been focused on designing novel and more powerful message-passing schemes for GNNs, the global graph pooling step has often been treated with relative neglect. As mentioned in my previous post on the issues of GNNs, I believe this to be problematic. Naive global pooling methods (such as simply summing up all final node feature vectors) can potentially form dangerous information bottlenecks within the neural graph learning pipeline. In the worst case, such information bottlenecks pose the risk of largely cancelling out the information signal delivered by the message-passing step, no matter how sophisticated the message-passing scheme.

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Antibody Engineering and Therapeutics Conference

I was invited to speak at the Antibody Engineering and Therapeutics Conference (presenting mine and Matt’s recently published epitope profiling paper), in San Diego (December 12th – 16th). Unfortunately, the pandemic had other ideas so I decided not to travel but luckily the conference was hybrid. 

The conference included 1 day of pre-conference workshops and 4 days of presentations from academic and industry, with livestreaming of the initial keynotes (including one from Charlotte). Remaining talks were recorded and made available after the conference. I’ve highlighted a few of my favourite talks and conference themes, with links to papers where available.

Naturally, a lot of the presented research related to covid-19. I was speaking in the ‘Antibody Repertoires and Covid-19’ session, where there were interesting presentations from Professor Eline Luning Prak from the University of Pennsylvania and Elaine Chen from Vanderbilt University analysing antibody responses in covid-recovered individuals, and comparing vaccine responses in covid-recovered vs covid-naiive individuals. Other talks around SARS-CoV-2 vaccines included Dr Laura Walker from Adimab/Adagio Therapeutics comparing BCR repertoire responses to different types of vaccinations, and the effect of using different booster types.

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