Monthly Archives: August 2021

Former OPIGlets – where are they now?

Since OPIG began in 2003, 53 students* have managed to escape. But where are these glorious people now? I decided to find out, using my best detective skills (aka LinkedIn, Google and Twitter).

* I’m only including full members who have left the group, as per the former members list on the OPIG website

Where are they?

Firstly, the countries. OPIGlets are mostly still residing in the UK, primarily in the ‘golden triangle’ of London, Oxford and Cambridge. The US comes in second, followed closely by Germany (Note: one former OPIGlet is in Malta, which is too small to be recognised in Geopandas so just imagine it is shown on the world map below)

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2021 likely to be a bumper year for therapeutic antibodies entering clinical trials; massive increase in new targets

Earlier this month the World Health Organisation (WHO) released Proposed International Nonproprietary Name List 125 (PL125), comprising the therapeutics entering clinical trials during the first half of 2021. We have just added this data to our Therapeutic Structural Antibody Database (Thera-SAbDab), bringing the total number of therapeutic antibodies recognised by the WHO to 711.

This is up from 651 at the end of 2020, a year which saw 89 new therapeutic antibodies introduced to the clinic. This rise of 60 in just the first half of 2021 bodes well for a record-breaking year of therapeutics entering trials.

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A Smattering of Olympic Trivia!

Tokyo 2020 is now firmly in our rearview mirror, and I for one will be sad to be deprived of the opportunity to wake up at 4AM to passionately cheer on someone I’ve never heard of in an event I know nothing about as they go for Gold. The heyday of amateurism in the Olympics may be long  gone, but it’s never been better for the amateur fan, with 24/7, on-demand, coverage, unprecedented access to the athletes via social media and remote working offering the opportunity to watch the games on a second screen without worrying about one’s boss noticing (not that I would ever engage in such an irresponsible practice, in case my Supervisor is reading this…).

To indulge both my post-Olympics melancholy and my addiction to sports trivia, I’ve trawled the internet to find some interest factoids related to the Summer Games and present them below for your mild enjoyment:

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A handful of lesser known python libraries

There are more python libraries than you can shake a stick at, but here are a handful that don’t get much love and may save you some brain power, compute time or both.

Fire is a library which turns your normal python functions into command-line utilities without requiring more than a couple of additional lines of copy-and-paste code. Being able to immediately access your functions from the command line is amazingly helpful when you’re making quick and dirty utilities and saves needing to reach for the nuclear approach of using getopt.

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Writing Papers in OPIG

I’m dedicating this blog post to something I spend a great deal of my time doing – reading the manuscripts that members of OPIG produce.

As every member of OPIG knows we often go through a very large number of drafts as I inexpertly attempt to pull the paper into a shape that I think is acceptable.

When I was a student I was not known for my ability to write, in fact I would say the opposite was probably true. Writing a paper is a skill that needs to be learnt and just like giving talks everyone needs to find their own style.

Before you write or type anything, remember that a good paper starts with researching how your work fits into existing literature. The next step is to craft a compelling story, whilst remembering to tailor your message to your intended audience.

There are many excellent websites/blogs/articles/books advising how to write a good paper so I am not going to attempt a full guide instead here are a few things to keep in mind.

  1. Have one story not more than one and not less – when you write the paper look at every word/image to see how it helps to deliver your main message.
  2. Once you know your key message it is often easiest to not write the paper in the order the sections appear! Creating the figures from the results first helps to structure the whole paper, then you can move on to methods, then write the results and discussion, then the conclusion, followed by the introduction, finishing up with the abstract and title.
  3. Always place your work in the context of what has already been done, what makes your work significant or original.
  4. Keep a consistent order – the order in which ideas come in the abstract should also be the same in the introduction, the methods, the results, the discussion etc.
  5. A paper should have a logical flow. In each paragraph, the first sentence defines context, the body is the new information, the last sentence is the take-home message/conclusion. The whole paper builds in the same way from the introduction setting the context, through the results which give the content, to the discussion’s conclusion. 
  6. Papers don’t need cliff hangers – main results/conclusions should be clear in the abstract.
  7. State your case with confidence.
  8. Papers don’t need to be written in a dry/technical style…
  9. …..but remove the hyperbole. Any claims should be backed up by the evidence in the paper.
  10. Get other people to read your work – their comments will help you (and unless it’s me you can always ignore their suggestions!)

OPIGlets go flying

Just like any other bioinformatician, I spend a lot of time every day in front of my computer and I am under no false pretence that my posture is anywhere near ideal. To counteract this, I have taken up the flying trapeze for some exercise and since classes run at ten participants, we decided that some other OPIGlets should try their hands at the circus arts on a fine summer evening!

Bonus points for Tobias for artistic presentation!
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ISMB 2021: epitope prediction tools

I recently had the opportunity to present my work on antibody virtual screening at the 2021 ISMB/ECCB virtual conference. In this blogpost, I want to summarise two research projects presented in the 3DSIG immunoinformatics session (in which I also presented my work) highlighting two different avenues of approaching epitope prediction (and immunoinformatics questions in general): Structure-based (Epitope3D) and sequence-based (SeRenDIP-CE).

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Uniformly sampled 3D rotation matrices

It’s not as simple as you’d think.

If you want to skip the small talk, the code is at the bottom. Sampling 2D rotations uniformly is simple: rotate by an angle from the uniform distribution \theta \sim U(0, 2\pi). Extending this idea to 3D rotations, we could sample each of the three Euler angles from the same uniform distribution \phi, \theta, \psi \sim U(0, 2\pi). This, however, gives more probability density to transformations which are clustered towards the poles:

Sampling Euler angles uniformly does not give an even distribution across the sphere.

In Fast Random Rotation Matrices (James Avro, 1992), a method for uniform random 3D rotation matrices is outlined, the main steps being:

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