Monthly Archives: December 2018

Automated testing with doctest

One of the ways to make your code more robust to unexpected input is to develop with boundary cases in your mind. Test-driven code development begins with writing a set of unit tests for each class. These tests often includes normal and extreme use cases. Thanks to packages like doctest for Python, Mocha and Jasmine for Javascript etc., we can write and test codes with an easy format. In this blog post, I will present a short example of how to get started with doctest in Python. N.B. doctest is best suited for small tests with a few scripts. If you would like to run a system testing, look for some other packages!

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Because not all interesting biology is health-related!

Nowadays, biological research science spins around health: Cancer. Neuroscience. Immunology. Pharmacology. And many more health-related areas which are being deeply studied. It seems that everyone is keen to spend their lives looking for the cure of cancer or Alzheimer. What a drag! For this reason (and also to show that research in less popular and less founded sectors can also improve significantly human lives), I have decided to write about something completely different: plant microbiome!

Indeed, I am going to write about bacteria. And no, they are not related to health at all. These bacteria live the soil and infect plants. However, they are not “bad”. Actually, they favour the plant’s growth and development. This is possible thanks to a fascinating process which finishes (ALERT SPOILER!!) with the bacteria transforming the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia that can be used by the plant (nitrogen fixation).

The process starts with some kind of small talk between Rhizobium (the bacteria) and the legume (the plant): Legumes secrete compounds through their roots that the bacteria living close by can detect. In response to this stimulus, bacteria approach the root hairs of the plant and attach and secrete lipo-chitooligosaccharides known as Nod factors.

It continues with some action: The plants sense the Nod factors, which induce the root hairs curling and trapping the bacteria. The bacteria continue to grow and eventually form an infection thread whose growth allows the bacteria to reach other plant cells.

And it finishes with a happily ever after ending: A structure called a nodule is formed. The bacteria in the nodule form an organelle called the symbiosome, within which the bacteria differentiate to a state called bacteroid. In this stage, the bacteroid fixes nitrogen for the plant.

I know… Everything has happened too fast (the process can take 1 – 2 weeks). And I have not been bothered to explain it in detail so you can enjoy reading this amazing review:

But wait! I almost forget to say why is worth studying this… The point is that plants need nitrogen to grow and they cannot use atmospheric nitrogen. Therefore, the more nitrogen they receive from the bacteria, the more they will grow. Consequently, we may increase the quantity of food available by improving this process.

Turning MD Trajectories into Movies using PyMOL

Putting movies into your presentations is the perfect way to cover up a terrible underlying presentation help the audience visualise the systems you are discussing. Static protein movies can enhance an introduction or help users understand important interactions between proteins and ligands. PyMOL plugins, such as, help you move beyond the ‘rock’ and ‘roll’ scenes in PyMOL’s movie tab. But there ends the scope for your static structures.

If you want to take your PyMOL movie making skills to the next level, you should start adding some dynamics data. This allows your audience to visualise how your protein dynamics evolve over time and a much easier way to explain your results (because, who likes 10,000 graphs in a presentation!? Even if your R plots look super swish.). For example: understanding binding events, PPIs over time or even loop motion.

The following tutorial shows you how to turn a static PDB structure into a dynamic one, by adding a GROMACS trajectory. Most of the commands you will encounter while making a static structure movie, so should not be too alien.

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