OPIG /ooohhh pig/
acronym, also used as a noun
Oxford Protein Informatics Group; research group in the Department of Statistics at the University of Oxford focusing on aspects of protein modelling, homology modelling, membrane proteins, sequence alignment, antibodies and immunoinformatics, biological networks, and drug discovery.


Headed by Prof. Charlotte M. Deane and Prof. Garrett M. Morris, the undergraduate backgrounds of our highly interdisciplinary 37-member team as of 22/11/2021 consists of:

OPIG is highly Interdisciplinary: we have 9, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, and 1 people with backgrounds in “Biochemistry”, “Biology”, “Biology and Chemistry”, “Biomedical Science”, “Biotechnology”, “Biotechnology and Computer Science”, “Chemistry”, “Chemistry and Mathematics”, “Computational Physics”, “Computer Science”, “Mathematical Biology”, “Mathematics”, “Mathematics and Statistics”, “Physics”, and “Physics and Mathematics”, respectively.

Oh, did I mention we like pies? And cake? Lots of cake… And we also like computer code; so here is the R which generated the above beaut.

# Pie Chart with Percentages
# OPIG members count, November 2021
x <- c(9, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1)  # slices

# labels
labels <- c("Biochemistry", "Biology", "Biology and\nChemistry", "Biomedical Science", "Biotechnology", "Biotechnology and\nComputer Science", "Chemistry", "Chemistry and\nMathematics", "Computational\nPhysics", "Computer Science", "Mathematical\nBiology", "Mathematics", "Mathematics and\nStatistics", "Physics", "Physics and Mathematics")
#pct <- round(x/sum(x)*100)
#labels <- paste(labels, pct)  # add percents to labels 
#labels <- paste(labels,"%",sep="")  # add % to labels 

# save to file

# do the magic
pie(x, labels, main = "OPIG Members Background", clockwise=True, col = rainbow(length(x)))


More detailed information about each one of us can be found on our members official page.

—Original version of this page was prepared by former OPIG Member, Dr JP Ebejer. Latest update of this page was provided by Patrick Brennan on 22 November, 2021.
