Category Archives: AI

Conference Summary: MGMS Adaptive Immune Receptors Meeting 2024

On 5th April 2024, over 60 researchers braved the train strikes and gusty weather to gather at Lady Margaret Hall in Oxford and engage in a day full of scientific talks, posters and discussions on the topic of adaptive immune receptor (AIR) analysis!

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Using JAX and Haiku to build a Graph Neural Network


Last year, I had an opportunity to delve into the world of JAX whilst working at InstaDeep. My first blopig post seems like an ideal time to share some of that knowledge. JAX is an experimental Python library created by Google’s DeepMind for applying accelerated differentiation. JAX can be used to differentiate functions written in NumPy or native Python, just-in-time compile and execute functions on GPUs and TPUs with XLA, and mini-batch repetitious functions with vectorization. Collectively, these qualities place JAX as an ideal candidate for accelerated deep learning research [1].

JAX is inspired by the NumPy API, making usage very familiar for any Python user who has already worked with NumPy [2]. However, unlike NumPy, JAX arrays are immutable; once they are assigned in memory they cannot be changed. As such, JAX includes specific syntax for index manipulation. In the code below, we create a JAX array and change the 1^{st} element to a 4:

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Dockerized Colabfold for large-scale batch predictions

Alphafold is great, however it’s not suited for large batch predictions for 2 main reasons. Firstly, there is no native functionality for predicting structures off multiple fasta sequences (although a custom batch prediction script can be written pretty easily). Secondly, the multiple sequence alignment (MSA) step is heavy and running MSAs for, say, 10,000 sequences at a tractable speed requires some serious hardware.

Fortunately, an alternative to Alphafold has been released and is now widely used; Colabfold. For many, Colabfold’s primary strength is being cloud-based and that prediction requests can be submitted on Google Colab, thereby being extremely user-friendly by avoiding local installations. However, I would argue the greatest value Colabfold brings is a massive MSA speed up (40-60 fold) by replacing HHBlits and BLAST with MMseq2. This, and the fact batches of sequences can be natively processed facilitates a realistic option for predicting thousands of structures (this could still take days on a pair of v100s depending on sequence length etc, but its workable).

In my opinion the cleanest local installation and simplest usage of Colabfold is via Docker containers, for which both a Dockerfile and pre-built docker image have been released. Unfortunately, the Docker image does not come packaged with the necessary script, which is required to build a local sequence database. By default the MSAs are run on the Colabfold public server, which is a shared resource and can only process a total of a few thousand MSAs per day.

The following accordingly outlines preparatory steps for 100% local, batch predictions (setting up the database can in theory be done in 1 line via a mount, but I was getting a weird wget permissions error so have broken it up to first fetch the file on the local):

Pull the relevant colabfold docker image (container registry):

docker pull

Create a cache to store weights:

mkdir cache

Download the model weights:

docker run -ti --rm -v path/to/cache:/cache python -m

Fetch the script


Spin up a container. The container will exit as soon as the first command is run, so we need to be a bit hacky by running an infinite command in the background:

CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d cuda12.2.2 /bin/bash -c "tail -f /dev/null")

Copy the script to the relevant path in the container and create a databases directory:

docker cp ./ $CONTAINER_ID:/usr/local/envs/colabfold/bin/ 
docker exec $CONTAINER_ID mkdir /databases

Run the setup script. This will download and prepare the databases (~2TB once extracted):

docker exec $CONTAINER_ID /usr/local/envs/colabfold/bin/ /databases/ 

Copy the databases back to the host and clean up:

docker cp $CONTAINER_ID:/databases ./ 
docker stop $CONTAINER_ID
docker rm $CONTAINER_ID

You should now be at a stage where batch predictions can be run, for which I have provided a template script (uses a fasta file with multiple sequences) below. It’s worth noting that maximum search speeds can be achieved by loading the database into memory and pre-indexing, but this requires about 1TB of RAM, which I don’t have.

There are 2 key processes that I prefer to log separately, colabfold_search and colabfold_batch:


# Define the paths for database, input FASTA, and outputs


# Run Docker container to execute colabfold_search and colabfold_batch 

time docker run --gpus all -v "${db_path}:/database" -v "${input_fasta}:/input.fasta" -v "${output_path}:/predictions" -v "${log_path}:/logs" -v "${cache_path}:/cache" /bin/bash -c "colabfold_search --mmseqs /usr/local/envs/colabfold/bin/mmseqs /input.fasta /database msas > /logs/search.log 2>&1 && colabfold_batch msas /predictions > /logs/batch.log 2>&1"

Optimising for PR AUC vs ROC AUC – an intuitive understanding

When training a machine learning (ML) model, our main aim is usually to get the ‘best’ model out the other end in an unbiased manner. Of course, there are other considerations such as quick training and inference, but mostly we want to be good at predicting the right answer.

A number of factors will affect the quality of our final model, including the chosen architecture, optimiser, and – importantly – the metric we are optimising for. So, how should we pick this metric?

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3 approaches to linear-memory Transformers

Transformers are a very popular architecture for processing sequential data, notably text and (our interest) proteins. Transformers learn more complex patterns with larger models on more data, as demonstrated by models like GPT-4 and ESM-2. Transformers work by updating tokens according to an attention value computed as a weighted sum of all other tokens. In standard implentations this requires computing the product of a query and key matrix which requires O(N2d) computations and, problematically, O(N2) memory for a sequence of length N and an embedding size of d. To speed up Transformers, and to analyze longer sequences, several variants have been proposed which require only O(N) memory. Broadly, these can be divided into sparse methods, softmax-approximators, and memory-efficient Transformers.

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Optimising Transformer Training

Training a large transformer model can be a multi-day, if not multi-week, ordeal. Especially if you’re using cloud compute, this can be a very expensive affair, not to mention the environmental impact. It’s therefore worth spending a couple days trying to optimise your training efficiency before embarking on a large scale training run. Here, I’ll run through three strategies you can take which (hopefully) shouldn’t degrade performance, while giving you some free speed. These strategies will also work for any other models using linear layers.

I wont go into too much of the technical detail of any of the techniques, but if you’d like to dig into any of them further I’d highly recommend the Nvidia Deep Learning Performance Guide.

Training With Mixed Precision

Training with mixed precision can be as simple as adding a few lines of code, depending on your deep learning framework. It also potentially provides the biggest boost to performance of any of these techniques. Training throughput can be increase by up to three-fold with little degradation in performance – and who doesn’t like free speed?

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How to make ML your entire personality

In our silly little day-to-day lives in over in stats, we forget how accustomed we all are to AI being used in many of the things we do. Going home for the holidays, though, I was reminded that the majority of people (at least, the majority of my family members) don’t actually make most of their choices according to what a random, free AI tool suggests for them. Unfortunately, though, I do! Here are some of my favourite non-ChatGPT free tools I use to make sure everyone knows that working in ML is, in fact, my entire personality.

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AlphaGeometry: are computers taking over math?

Last week, Google DeepMind announced AlphaGeometry, a novel deep learning system that is able to solve geometry problems of the kind presented at the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO). The work is described in a recent Nature paper, and is accompanied by a GitHub repo including full code and weights.

This paper has caused quite a stir in some circles. Well, at least the kind of circles that you tend to get in close contact with when you work at a Department of Statistics. Like folks in structural in biology wondered three years ago, those who earn a living by veering into the mathematical void and crafting proofs, were wondering if their jobs may also have a close-by expiration date. I found this quite interesting, so I decided to read the paper and try to understand it — and, to motivate myself, I set to present this paper at an upcoming journal club, and also write this blog post.

So, let’s ask, what has actually been achieved and how powerful is this model?

What has been achieved

The image that has been making the rounds this time is the following benchmark:

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Taking Equivariance in deep learning for a spin?

I recently went to Sheh Zaidi‘s brilliant introduction to Equivariance and Spherical Harmonics and I thought it would be useful to cement my understanding of it with a practical example. In this blog post I’m going to start with serotonin in two coordinate frames, and build a small equivariant neural network that featurises it.

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On National AI strategies

Recently, I have become quite interested in how countries have been shaping their national AI strategies or frameworks. Since the launch of ChatGPT, several concerns have been raised about AI safety and how such groundbreaking AI technologies could augment or adversely affect our daily lives. To address the public’s concerns and set standards and practices for AI development, some countries have recently released their national AI frameworks. As a budding academic researcher in this space who is keen to make AI more useful for medicine and healthcare, there are two key aspects from the few frameworks I have looked at (specifically the US, UK and Singapore) that are of interest to me, namely, the multi-stakeholder approach and focus on AI education which I will delve further into in this post.

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