Tag Archives: Small Molecules

Mapping derivative compounds to parent hits

Whereas it is easy to say in a paper “Given the HT-Sequential-ITC results, 42 led to 113, a substituted decahydro-2,6-methanocyclopropa[f]indene”, it is frequently rather trickier algorithmically figure out which atoms map to which. In Fragmenstein, for the placement route, for example, a lot goes on behind the scenes, yet for some cases human provided mapping may be required. Here I discuss how to get the mapping from Fragmenstein and what goes on behind the scenes.

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Tracking the change in ML performance for popular small molecule benchmarks

The power of machine learning (ML) techniques has captivated the field of small molecule drug discovery. Increasingly, researchers and organisations have employed ML to create more accurate algorithms to improve the efficiency of the discovery process.

To be published, methods have to prove they have improved upon others. Often, methods are tested against the same benchmarks within a field, allowing us to track progress over time. To explore the rate of improvement, I curated the performance on three popular benchmarks. The first benchmark is CASF 2016, used to test the accuracy of methods that predict the binding affinity of experimental determined protein-ligand complexes. Accuracy was measured using the Pearson’s R value between predicted and experimental affinity values.

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RSC Fragments 2024

I attended RSC Fragments 2024 (Hinxton, 4–5 March 2024), a conference dedicated to fragment-based drug discovery. The various talks were really good, because they gave overviews of projects involving teams across long stretches of time. As a result there were no slides discussing wet lab protocol optimisations and not a single Western blot was seen. The focus was primarily either illustrating a discovery platform or recounting a declassified campaign. The latter were interesting, although I’d admit I wish there had been more talk of organic chemistry —there was not a single moan/gloat about a yield. This top-down focus was nice as topics kept overlapping, namely:

  • Target choice,
  • covalents,
  • molecular glues,
  • whether to escape Flatland,
  • thermodynamics, and
  • cryptic pockets
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Taking Equivariance in deep learning for a spin?

I recently went to Sheh Zaidi‘s brilliant introduction to Equivariance and Spherical Harmonics and I thought it would be useful to cement my understanding of it with a practical example. In this blog post I’m going to start with serotonin in two coordinate frames, and build a small equivariant neural network that featurises it.

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Finding and testing a reaction SMARTS pattern for any reaction

Have you ever needed to find a reaction SMARTS pattern for a certain reaction but don’t have it already written out? Do you have a reaction SMARTS pattern but need to test it on a set of reactants and products to make sure it transforms them correctly and doesn’t allow for odd reactants to work? I recently did and I spent some time developing functions that can:

  1. Generate a reaction SMARTS for a reaction given two reactants, a product, and a reaction name.
  2. Check the reaction SMARTS on a list of reactants and products that have the same reaction name.
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The workings of Fragmenstein’s RDKit neighbour-aware minimisation

Fragmenstein is a Python module that combine hits or position a derivative following given templates by being very strict in obeying them. This is done by creating a “monster”, a compound that has the atomic positions of the templates, which then reanimated by very strict energy minimisation. This is done in two steps, first in RDKit with an extracted frozen neighbourhood and then in PyRosetta within a flexible protein. The mapping for both combinations and placements are complicated, but I will focus here on a particular step the minimisation, primarily in answer to an enquiry, namely how does the RDKit minimisation work.

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Placeholder compounds: distraction vs. accuracy

When showcasing an approach in computational chemistry, an example molecule is required as a placeholder. But which to chose from? I would classify there different approaches: choosing a recognisable molecules, a top selling drugs, or a randomly sketched compound.

At a recent conference, Sheffield Cheminformatics 2023, I saw examples of all three and one problem I had that some placeholders distracted me into searching to figure out what it was.

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Pairwise sequence identity and Tanimoto similarity in PDBbind

In this post I will cover how to calculate sequence identity and Tanimoto similarity between any pairs of complexes in PDBbind 2020. I used RDKit in python for Tanimoto similarity and the MMseqs2 software for sequence identity calculations.

A few weeks back I wanted to cluster the protein-ligand complexes in PDBbind 2020, but to achieve this I first needed to precompute the sequence identity between all pairs sequences in PDBbind, and Tanimoto similarity between all pairs of ligands. PDBbind 2020 includes 19.443 complexes but there are much fewer distinct ligands and proteins than that. However, I kept things simple and calculated the similarities for all 19.443*19.443 pairs. Calculating the Tanimoto similarity is relatively easy thanks to the BulkTanimotoSimilarity function in RDKit. The following code should do the trick:

from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, MolFromMol2File
from rdkit.DataStructs import BulkTanimotoSimilarity
import numpy as np
import os

fps = []
for pdb in pdbs:
    mol = MolFromMol2File(os.path.join('data', pdb, f'{pdb}_ligand.mol2'))
    fps.append(AllChem.GetMorganFingerprint(mol, 3))

sims = []
for i in range(len(fps)):

arr = np.array(sims)
np.savez_compressed('data/tanimoto_similarity.npz', arr)

Sequence identity calculations in python with Biopandas turned out to be too slow for this amount of data so I used the ultra fast MMseqs2. The first step to running MMseqs2 is to create a .fasta file of all the sequences, which I call QUERY.fasta. This is what the first few lines look like:

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BRICS Decomposition in 3D

Inspired by this blog post by the lovely Kate, I’ve been doing some BRICS decomposing of molecules myself. Like the structure-based goblin that I am, though, I’ve been applying it to 3D structures of molecules, rather than using the smiles approach she detailed. I thought it may be helpful to share the code snippets I’ve been using for this: unsurprisingly, it can also be done with RDKit!

I’ll use the same example as in the original blog post, propranolol.


First, I import RDKit and load the ligand in question:

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PLIP on PDBbind with Python

Today’s blog post is about using PLIP to extract information about interactions between a protein and ligand in a bound complex, using data from PDBbind. The blog post will cover how to combine the protein pdb file and the ligand mol2 file into a pdb file, and how to use PLIP in a high-throughput manner with python.

In order for PLIP to consider the ligand as one molecule interacting with the protein, we need to modify the mol2 file of the ligand. The 8th column of the atom portion of a mol2 file (the portion starts with @<TRIPOS>ATOM) includes the ID of the ligand that the atom belongs to. Most often all the atoms have the same ligand ID, but for peptides for instance, the atoms have the ID of the residue they’re part of. The following code snippet will make the required changes:

ligand_file = 'data/5oxm/5oxm_ligand.mol2'

with open(ligand_file, 'r') as f:
    ligand_lines = f.readlines()

mod = False
for i in range(len(ligand_lines)):
    line = ligand_lines[i]
    if line == '@&lt;TRIPOS&gt;BOND\n':
        mod = False
    if mod:
        ligand_lines[i] = line[:59] + 'ISK     ' + line[67:]
    if line == '@&lt;TRIPOS&gt;ATOM\n':
        mod = True

with open('data/5oxm/5oxm_ligand_mod.mol2', 'w') as g:
    for j in ligand_lines:
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