Author Archives: Oliver Turnbull

Optimising Transformer Training

Training a large transformer model can be a multi-day, if not multi-week, ordeal. Especially if you’re using cloud compute, this can be a very expensive affair, not to mention the environmental impact. It’s therefore worth spending a couple days trying to optimise your training efficiency before embarking on a large scale training run. Here, I’ll run through three strategies you can take which (hopefully) shouldn’t degrade performance, while giving you some free speed. These strategies will also work for any other models using linear layers.

I wont go into too much of the technical detail of any of the techniques, but if you’d like to dig into any of them further I’d highly recommend the Nvidia Deep Learning Performance Guide.

Training With Mixed Precision

Training with mixed precision can be as simple as adding a few lines of code, depending on your deep learning framework. It also potentially provides the biggest boost to performance of any of these techniques. Training throughput can be increase by up to three-fold with little degradation in performance – and who doesn’t like free speed?

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Streamlining Your Terminal Commands With Custom Bash Functions and Aliases

If you’ve ever found yourself typing out the same long commands over and over again, or if you’ve ever wished you could teleport directly to your favourite directories, then this post is for you.

Before we jump into some useful examples, let’s go over what bash functions and aliases are, and how to set them up.

Bash Functions vs Aliases

A bash function is like a mini script stored in your .bashrc or .bash_profile file. It can accept arguments, execute a series of commands, and even return a value.

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Train Your Own Protein Language Model In Just a Few Lines of Code

Language models have token the world by storm recently and, given the already explored analogies between protein primary sequence and text, there’s been a lot of interest in applying these models to protein sequences. Interest is not only coming from academia and the pharmaceutical industry, but also some very unlikely suspects such as ByteDance – yes the same ByteDance of TikTok fame. So if you also fancy trying your hand at building a protein language model then read on, it’s surprisingly easy.

Training your own protein language model from scratch is made remarkably easy by the HuggingFace Transformers library, which allows you to specify a model architecture, tokenise your training data, and train a model in only a few lines of code. Under the hood, the Transformers library uses PyTorch (or optionally Tensorflow) models, allowing you to dig deeper into customising training or model architecture, or simply leave it to the highly abstracted Transformers library to handle it all for you.

For this article, I’ll assume you already understand how language models work, and are now looking to implement one yourself, trained from scratch.

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Supercharge Your Literature Review With These Tools

When starting a new project, conducting a literature review of the field can be one of the most daunting prospects. Not only do you need to get through a mountain of research papers, you also need to work out which mountain of papers to get through. You don’t want to start a project only to realise a few weeks (or months!) in that you missed a key paper which would have completely changed the course of your research. Luckily, there are now several handy tools which can help speed up this process.

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