Category Archives: Python

Make your code do more, with less

When you wrangle data for a living, you start to wonder why everything takes so darn long. Through five years of introspection, I have come to conclude that two simple factors limit every computational project. One is, of course, your personal productivity. Your time of focused work, minus distractions (and yes, meetings figure here), times your energy and mental acuity. All those things you have little control over, unfortunately. But the second is the productivity of your code and tools. And this, in principle, is a variable that you have full control over.

Even quick calculations, when applied to tens of millions of sequences, can take quite some time!

This is a post about how to increase your productivity, by helping you navigate all those instances when the progress bar does not seem to go fast enough. I want to discuss actionable tools to make your code run faster, and generate more results, with less effort, in less time. Instructions to tinker less and think more, so you can do the science that you truly want to be doing. And, above all, I want to give out advice that is so counter-intuitive that you should absolutely consider following it.

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How to prepare a molecule for RDKit

RDKit is very fussy when it comes to inputs in SDF format. Using the SDMolSupplier, we get a significant rate of failure even on curated datasets such as the PDBBind refined set. Pymol has no such scruples, and with that, I present a function which has proved invaluable to me over the course of my DPhil. For reasons I have never bothered to explore, using pymol to convert from sdf, into mol2 and back to sdf format again (adding in missing hydrogens along the way) will almost always make a molecule safe to import using RDKit:

from pathlib import Path
from pymol import cmd

def py_mollify(sdf, overwrite=False):
    """Use pymol to sanitise an SDF file for use in RDKit.

        sdf: location of faulty sdf file
        overwrite: whether or not to overwrite the original sdf. If False,
            a new file will be written in the form <sdf_fname>_pymol.sdf
        Original sdf filename if overwrite == False, else the filename of the
        sanitised output.
    sdf = Path(sdf).expanduser().resolve()
    mol2_fname = str(sdf).replace('.sdf', '_pymol.mol2')
    new_sdf_fname = sdf if overwrite else str(sdf).replace('.sdf', '_pymol.sdf')
    return new_sdf_fname

How to turn a SMILES string into a molecular graph for Pytorch Geometric

Despite some of their technical issues, graph neural networks (GNNs) are quickly being adopted as one of the state-of-the-art methods for molecular property prediction. The differentiable extraction of molecular features from low-level molecular graphs has become a viable (although not always superior) alternative to classical molecular representation techniques such as Morgan fingerprints and molecular descriptor vectors.

But molecular data usually comes in the sequential form of labeled SMILES strings. It is not obvious for beginners how to optimally transform a SMILES string into a structured molecular graph object that can be used as an input for a GNN. In this post, we show how to convert a SMILES string into a molecular graph object which can subsequently be used for graph-based machine learning. We do so within the framework of Pytorch Geometric which currently is one of the best and most commonly used Python-based GNN-libraries.

We divide our task into three high-level steps:

  1. We define a function that maps an RDKit atom object to a suitable atom feature vector.
  2. We define a function that maps an RDKit bond object to a suitable bond feature vector.
  3. We define a function that takes as its input a list of SMILES strings and associated labels and then uses the functions from 1.) and 2.) to create a list of labeled Pytorch Geometric graph objects as its output.
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List comprehension: an elegant Python feature inspired by mathematical set theory

Even though I have now deeply entered into the fascinating world of statistical machine learning and computational chemistry, my original background is very much in pure mathematics. Having spent some of my intellectually formative years in this highly purified and abstract universe, I still love to think in terms of sets, ordered tuples and well-defined functions whenever I have the luxury of being able to do so. This might be why list comprehension is one of my favourite features in Python.

List comprehension allows you to efficiently map a function over a list using elegant notation inspired by mathematical set theory. Let us first consider a (mathematical) set

A := \{1, 3, 7 \}.

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Uniformly sampled 3D rotation matrices

It’s not as simple as you’d think.

If you want to skip the small talk, the code is at the bottom. Sampling 2D rotations uniformly is simple: rotate by an angle from the uniform distribution \theta \sim U(0, 2\pi). Extending this idea to 3D rotations, we could sample each of the three Euler angles from the same uniform distribution \phi, \theta, \psi \sim U(0, 2\pi). This, however, gives more probability density to transformations which are clustered towards the poles:

Sampling Euler angles uniformly does not give an even distribution across the sphere.

In Fast Random Rotation Matrices (James Avro, 1992), a method for uniform random 3D rotation matrices is outlined, the main steps being:

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Out-of-distribution generalisation and scaffold splitting in molecular property prediction

The ability to successfully apply previously acquired knowledge to novel and unfamiliar situations is one of the main hallmarks of successful learning and general intelligence. This capability to effectively generalise is amongst the most desirable properties a prediction model (or a mind, for that matter) can have.

In supervised machine learning, the standard way to evaluate the generalisation power of a prediction model for a given task is to randomly split the whole available data set X into two sets – a training set X_{\text{train}} and a test set X_{\text{test}}. The model is then subsequently trained on the examples in the training set X_{\text{train}} and afterwards its prediction abilities are measured on the untouched examples in the test set X_{\text{test}} via a suitable performance metric.

Since in this scenario the model has never seen any of the examples in X_{\text{test}} during training, its performance on X_{\text{test}} must be indicative of its performance on novel data X_{\text{new}} which it will encounter in the future. Right?

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Automated intermolecular interaction detection using the ODDT Python Module

Detecting intermolecular interactions is often one of the first steps when assessing the binding mode of a ligand. This usually involves the human researcher opening up a molecular viewer and checking the orientations of the ligand and protein functional groups, sometimes aided by the viewer’s own interaction detecting functionality. For looking at single digit numbers of structures, this approach works fairly well, especially as more experienced researchers can spot cases where the automated interaction detection has failed. When analysing tens or hundreds of binding sites, however, an automated way of detecting and recording interaction information for downstream processing is needed. When I had to do this recently, I used an open-source Python module called ODDT (Open Drug Discovery Toolkit, its full documentation can be found here).

My use case was fairly standard: starting with a list of holo protein structures as pdb files and their corresponding ligands in .sdf format, I wanted to detect any hydrogen bonds between a ligand and its native protein crystal structure. Specifically, I needed the number and name of the the interacting residue, its chain ID, and the name of the protein atom involved in the interaction. A general example on how to do this can be found in the ODDT documentation. Below, I show how I have used the code on PDB structure 1a9u.

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Hosting multiple Flask apps using Apache/mod_wsgi

A common way of deploying a Flask web application in a production environment is to use an Apache server with the mod_wsgi module, which allows Apache to host any application that supports Python’s Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI), making it quick and easy to get an application up and running. In this post, we’ll go through configuring your Apache server to host multiple Python apps in a stable manner, including how to run apps in daemon mode and avoiding hanging processes due to Python C extensions not working well with Python sub-interpreters (I’m looking at you, numpy).

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Calculating symmeterised small molecule RMSDs using graph automorphisms in python with GEMMI and NetworkX

When a ring flips, how do we calculate RMSD?

This surprisingly simple question leads to a very interesting problem! If we take a benzene molecule, say, and rotate it 180 degrees, then we have the exact same molecule, but if we have a data structure in which our atoms are labelled, and we apply the same transformation to the atomic positions, the numbering does not reflect that symmetry. If we were then naively to calculate the RMSD it would be huge, despite the fact that the molecule is, chemically speaking, identical.

How can we make our RMSD calculations reflect these symmetries?

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BioDataScience101: a fantastic initiative to learn bioinformatics and data science

Last Wednesday, I was fortunate enough to be invited as a guest lecturer to the 3rd BioDataScience101 workshop, an initiative spearheaded by Paolo Marcatili, Professor of Bioinformatics at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This session, on amino acid sequence analysis applied to both proteomics and antibody drug discovery, was designed and organised by OPIG’s very own Tobias Olsen.

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