Tag Archives: brain teaser

A logical brain teaser to derail your afternoon

Brain teasers have a strange power. For many they evoke nothing more than a mild and transient sense of curiosity. But for a certain subset of people they create an irresistible intellectual temptation which even needs to actively be avoided at times as not to completely derail conversations and take over whole afternoons.

For better or worse, I am in the camp of people who are highly susceptible to brain teasers. I just love them too much. More than once in my lifetime I had to ask a friend not to tell me about a particular brain teaser they had heard about because I knew it would inevitably take over my mind and send me down an almost hypnotic spiral of thoughts whose only escape would be finding the solution.

While brain teasers can admittedly turn into ridiculously powerful distractions for some of us, they are not necessarily a waste of time. They have high recreational value and help the mind to enter a playful and creative state. They serve as mental gymnastics to directly train logical thinking skills, and logical thinking is arguably one of the most powerful transferable skills that exists. And last but not least, brain teasers are canonically used nowadays in job interviews at some of the worlds top employers (Google, Facebook, Microsoft, prestigious hedge funds, …).

In this post, I will present one of my favourite brain teasers to see if I can get you hooked. It is a slightly modified and self-contained version of the so-called pirate game. You can find the solution at the end of the page. Enjoy responsibly! Continue reading