AI Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter

Recently, I’ve been using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and other methods, to predict the binding affinity of antibodies from their sequence. However, nine months ago, I applied a CNN to a far more important task – distinguishing images of butter from margarine. Please check out the GitHub link below to learn moo-re.

A simple criterion can conceal a multitude of chemical and structural sins

We’ve been investigating deep learning-based protein-ligand docking methods which often claim to be able to generate ligand binding modes within 2Å RMSD of the experimental one. We found, however, this simple criterion can conceal a multitude of chemical and structural sins…

DeepDock attempted to generate the ligand binding mode from PDB ID 1t9b
(light blue carbons, left), but gave pretzeled rings instead (white carbons, right).

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Placeholder compounds: distraction vs. accuracy

When showcasing an approach in computational chemistry, an example molecule is required as a placeholder. But which to chose from? I would classify there different approaches: choosing a recognisable molecules, a top selling drugs, or a randomly sketched compound.

At a recent conference, Sheffield Cheminformatics 2023, I saw examples of all three and one problem I had that some placeholders distracted me into searching to figure out what it was.

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The dangers of Conda-Pack and OpenMM

If you are running lots of little jobs in SLURM and want to make use of free nodes that suddenly become available, it is helpful to have a way of rapidly shipping your environments that does not rely on installing conda or rebuilding the environment from scratch every time. This is useful with complex rebuilds where exported .yml files do not always work as expected, even when specifying exact versions and source locations.

In these situations a tool such a conda-pack becomes incredibly useful. Once you have perfected the house of cards that is your conda environment, you can use conda-pack to save that exact state as a tar.gz file.

conda-pack -n my_precious_env -o my_precious_env.tar.gz

This can provide you with a backup to be used when you accidentally delete conda from your system, or if you irreparable corrupt the environment and cannot roll back to the point in time when everything worked. These tar.gz files can also be copied to distant locations by the use of rsync or scp, unpacked, sourced and used without installing conda…

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Lucubration or Gaslighting?​

Or: The best lies have a nugget of truth in them.​

Lucubration – The action or occupation of intensive study originally by candle or lamplight.

Gaslighting – Psychological abuse in which a person or group causes someone to question their own sanity, memories, or perception.

I was recently having a play with Google Bard. Bard, unlike ChatGPT has access to live data. It also undergoes live feedback and quality control. I was hoping to see if it would find me any journals with articles on prion research which I’d previously overlooked.

Me: Please show me some recent articles about prion research.
(Because always be polite to our AI overlords, they’ll remember!)

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Cosmology via Structural Biology and Half-Lives of Teaspoons: Bizarre Papers from Around the Internet

I don’t know if anyone out there shares this peculiar hobby of mine (God, I hope not!), but I often find myself scouring the depths of the internet for some truly bizarre academic papers. Though there is an endless supply of such content to keep one entertained (read: distract yourself during those afternoons you planned to be productive but ended up succumbing to the lunch food coma), I’ve managed to compile a short list of the most fascinating ones for your enjoyment!

  • The case of the disappearing teaspoons: longitudinal cohort study of the displacement of teaspoons in an Australian research institute (Lim et al, 2005, BMJ, doi:

This fantastic and robust study examines the enigmatic phenomenon of disappearing teaspoons in a shared kitchen—an issue of acute importance to all of us who rely on these tiny utensils. The authors reveal the shocking truth about teaspoons’ shockingly short half-life in research institutes. The question remains: does this phenomenon extend to other cutlery as well?

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What can you do with the OPIG Immunoinformatics Suite? v3.0

OPIG’s growing immunoinformatics team continues to develop and openly distribute a wide variety of databases and software packages for antibody/nanobody/T-cell receptor analysis. Below is a summary of all the latest updates (follows on from v1.0 and v2.0).

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A match made in heaven: academic writing with latex and git

Alternative titles:

  • A match made in heavenhell: academic writing with latex and git
  • Procrastinating writing by over-engineering my workflow

If you are like me, you can happily write code for hours and hours on end but as soon as you need to write a paper you end up staring at a blank page. Luckily, I have come up with a fool proof way to trick myself into thinking I am coding when in reality I am finalling getting around to writing up the work my supervisor has been wanting for the last month. Introducing Latex and git- this was my approach to draft a review paper recently and in this blopig post I will go through some of the ups and downs I had using these tools.

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