Author Archives: Leo Klarner

Converting pandas DataFrames into Publication-Ready Tables

Analysing, comparing and communicating the predictive performance of machine learning models is a crucial component of any empirical research effort. Pandas, a staple in the Python data analysis stack, not only helps with the data wrangling itself, but also provides efficient solutions for data presentation. Two of its lesser-known yet incredibly useful features are df.to_markdown() and df.to_latex(), which allow for a seamless transition from DataFrames to publication-ready tables. Here’s how you can use them!

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The Surprising Shape of Normal Distributions in High Dimensions

Multivariate Normal distributions are an essential component of virtually any modern deep learning method—be it to initialise the weights and biases of a neural network, perform variational inference in a probabilistic model, or provide a tractable noise distribution for generative modelling.

What most of us (including—until very recently—me) aren’t aware of, however, is that these Normal distributions begin to look less and less like the characteristic bell curve that we associate them with as their dimensionality increases.

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A Simple Way to Quantify the Similarity Between Two Sets of Molecules

When designing machine learning algorithms with the aim of accelerating the discovery of novel and more effective therapeutics, we often care deeply about their ability to generalise to new regions of chemical space and accurately predict the properties of molecules that are structurally or functionally dissimilar to the ones we have already explored. To evaluate the performance of algorithms in such an out-of-distribution setting, it is essential that we are able to quantify the data shift that is induced by the train-test splits that we rely on to decide which model to deploy in production.

For our recent ICML 2023 paper Drug Discovery under Covariate Shift with Domain-Informed Prior Distributions over Functions, we chose to quantify the distributional similarity between two sets of molecules through the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD).

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Exploring topological fingerprints in RDKit

Finding a way to express the similarity of irregular and discrete molecular graphs to enable quantitative algorithmic reasoning in chemical space is a fundamental problem in data-driven small molecule drug discovery.

Virtually all algorithms that are widely and successfully used in this setting boil down to extracting and comparing (multi-)sets of subgraphs, differing only in the space of substructures they consider and the extent to which they are able to adapt to specific downstream applications.

A large body of recent work has explored approaches centred around graph neural networks (GNNs), which can often maximise both of these considerations. However, the subgraph-derived embeddings learned by these algorithms may not always perform well beyond the specific datasets they are trained on and for many generic or resource-constrained applications more traditional “non-parametric” topological fingerprints may still be a viable and often preferable choice .

This blog post gives an overview of the topological fingerprint algorithms implemented in RDKit. In general, they count the occurrences of a certain family of subgraphs in a given molecule and then represent this set/multiset as a bit/count vector, which can be compared to other fingerprints with the Jaccard/Dice similarity metric or further processed by other algorithms.

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