I just wanted TensorFlow

Finally got TensorFlow to install on my Mac. You’d be tempted to think, “Jin, it’s just a pip install, surely?”

No, MacOS begs to differ! You see, if you’re on a slightly older macOS version like I was (10.12), then you’d still be using TLS 1.0 – long story short, when querying PyPI via pip to get any packages on TLS 1.0, your requests will get rejected. And this cutoff was chosen something like a week ago – SAD! If you have MacOS 10.13 and onward, TLS should be set to 1.2 so you need not worry.


  1. Get a new version of pip (10.0); see Stack Overflow post.
  2. Install any dependencies for pip as necessary by doing tons of source compilations.
  3. Install desired package(s) as necessary.
