Tag Archives: COVID

The SARS-CoV-2 protein spike glycosylation not only shields but primes binding by providing structural stability too

Yep, it is very well known that the sugar coating (aka glycosylation) of viruses makes them invisible to the immune system, a strategy so effective that like in the case of HIV, whose spike is almost entirely covered by glycans, makes it so difficult to target by the human immune system.

Unsurprisingly, coronaviruses such as SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-1(2) not only benefit from this evolutionary strategy but there is evidence now that sugars provide stability to their spikes to be effective binders by glueing the spike chains, hence making them infectious.

This is the major finding of this paper that introduces very interesting results from all-atom MD simulations of a fully glycosylated model of the  SARS-CoV-2 spike protein embedded in a realistic viral membrane. Researchers aimed to look into the stability of the protein spike (A, B, and C) chains in the “open” and “closed” conformation and how these changed upon key residue mutations to test how glycans sitting in the inter-chain space affect stability. It also aimed at quantifying glycans’ shielding effect from molecules ranging from 2 to 15 Angstroms, i.e., from small-sized to peptide- and antibody-sized molecules.  

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