Author Archives: Angela Hellyer

How COVID-19 affected my (undergrad) masters

The COVID-19 pandemic hit us all in different ways, and this is a short look into how it affected me, a biochemistry undergrad doing my masters project in OPIG.

The first thing that impacted me was the move to working from home. Now you might think that as the group does only computational work that our work might not be too affected by working from home, as all the servers etc. can be accessed remotely. To a certain extent, this is true, it is possible to work from home for starters. Things may well be right as rain for a few people, but it wasn’t for me. I think a lot of people are finding that things take longer when not in the office even under the best circumstances. Technology and equipment can also reduce your productivity quite majorly. Not having a very fast computer (mine is 5 years old and you can tell) or poor chairs that give you backache (living that wooden dining room chair life) are just examples of things that affect your productivity, and also not something most of can do about.

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