Category Archives: Statistics

Hidden Markov Models in Python: A simple Hidden Markov Model with Known Emission Matrix fitted with hmmlearn

The Hidden Markov Model

Consider a sensor which tells you whether it is cloudy or clear, but is wrong with some probability. Now, the weather *is* cloudy or clear, we could go and see which it was, so there is a “true” state, but we only have noisy observations on which to attempt to infer it.  

We might model this process (with the assumption of sufficiently precious weather), and attempt to make inferences about the true state of the weather over time, the rate of change of the weather and how noisy our sensor is by using a Hidden Markov Model. 

The Hidden Markov Model describes a hidden Markov Chain which at each step emits an observation with a probability that depends on the current state. In general both the hidden state and the observations may be discrete or continuous.

But for simplicity’s sake let’s consider the case where both the hidden and observed spaces are discrete. Then, the Hidden Markov Model is parameterised by two matrices: 

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CAML: Courses in Applied Machine Learning

*Shameless self-promotion klaxon!! Have a look at my new website!*

I’m excited to share a project I’ve been working on for the past few months! One of the biggest challenges of working on an interdisciplinary research project is getting to grips with the core principles of the disciplines which you don’t have much formal training in. For me, that means learning the basics of Medicinal Chemistry and Structural Biology so that when someone mentions pi-stacking I don’t think they’re talking about the logistics of managing a bakery; for people coming from Bio/Chem backgrounds it can mean understanding the Maths and Statistics necessary to make sense of the different algorithms which are central to their work.

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Is bigger better?

Recent work in Natural Language Processing (NLP) indicates that the bigger your model is, the better performance you will get. In a paper by Kaplan, Jared, et al., they show that loss scales as a power-law with model size, dataset size, and the amount of compute used for training.

Kaplan, Jared, et al. “Scaling laws for neural language models.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.08361 (2020).
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Drawing Wavy Lines That Match Your Data, or, An Introduction to Kernel Density Estimation

One of the fundamental questions of statistics is “How likely is it that event X will occur, given what we’ve observed already?”. It’s a question that pops up in all sorts of different fields, and in our daily lives as well, so it’s well worth being able to answer rationally. Under the statistician’s favourite assumption that the observed data are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), we can use the data to construct a probability distribution; that is, if we’re about to observe a new data point, x*, we can say how likely it is that x* will take a specific value.

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No labels, no problem! A quick introduction to Gaussian Mixture Models

Statistical Modelling Big Data AnalyticsTM is in vogue at the moment, and there’s nothing quite so fashionable as the neural network. Capable of capturing complex non-linear relationships and scalable for high-dimensional datasets, they’re here to stay.

For your garden-variety neural network, you need two things: a set of features, X, and a label, Y. But what do you do if labelling is prohibitively expensive or your expert labeller goes on holiday for 2 months and all you have in the meantime is a set of features? Happily, we can still learn something about the labels, even if we might not know what they are!

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K-Means clustering made simple

The 21st century is often referred to as the age of “Big Data” due to the unprecedented increase in the volumes of data being generated. As most of this data comes without labels, making sense of it is a non-trivial task. To gain insight from unlabelled data, unsupervised machine learning algorithms have been developed and continue to be refined. These algorithms determine underlying relationships within the data by grouping data points into cluster families. The resulting clusters not only highlight associations within the data, but they are also critical for creating predictive models for new data.

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How to be a Bayesian – ft. a completely ridiculous example

Most of the stats we are exposed to in our formative years as statisticians are viewed through a frequentist lens. Bayesian methods are often viewed with scepticism, perhaps due in part to a lack of understanding over how to specify our prior distribution and perhaps due to uncertainty as to what we should do with the posterior once we’ve got it.

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