Category Archives: Commentary

“The Rise of ChatGPT 4.0: Is the Future of Work in Jeopardy?”

In my previous blog post, I explored the capabilities of ChatGPT 3.5, testing its skills as a programmer and mathematician’s assistant. The results were mixed, to say the least. While it could handle simple coding tasks with ease, it faltered when faced with more complex mathematical problems and image manipulation tasks. I concluded that while ChatGPT 3.5 was impressive, it was far from replacing us in our jobs. It was a tool, yes, but one that needed careful supervision and frequent corrections.

Fast forward to today, and we have ChatGPT 4.0 with code interpreter enabled. I approached this new version with the same scepticism I had for its predecessor, but I must admit, my initial impressions have been challenged. The leap from 3.5 to 4.0 is not just a step forward; it’s a giant leap. You can see my experiment here

In my previous experiment, I asked ChatGPT 3.5 to translate a 2D image, a task that combines both programming and a bit of maths. The results were less than satisfactory. It was able to write code to translate images if they were in real space, a task that can be easily found searching on the web. However, it struggled to handle images represented in Fourier space correctly, and even with multiple hints, the best it could do was a rough approximation of the correct solution. It took six attempts to get the code automatically generated, and even then, it was far from perfect.

With ChatGPT 4.0, however, the story is different. When asked to perform a similar task, it provided a clear, concise, and correct solution. It understood the concept of image translation in the context of computer vision and image processing, and it was able to generate Python code using the scikit-image package to perform the task. The code was not only syntactically correct but also logically sound, demonstrating a significant improvement in understanding and problem-solving capabilities.

#Me: Can you know provide some python code to translate (pixel shifts) images? And can you execute it?
#Chat gpt: Here's a simple Python example using scikit-image to translate an image:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import data
from skimage.transform import AffineTransform, warp

# Load an example image
image =

# Define a translation transform
tform = AffineTransform(translation=(50, 50))

# Apply the transform to the image
translated_image = warp(image, tform.inverse)

# Plot the original and translated images
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax[0].imshow(image, cmap='gray')
ax[0].set_title('Original Image')
ax[1].imshow(translated_image, cmap='gray')
ax[1].set_title('Translated Image')

#Chat gpt: 
In this code, AffineTransform is used to define a translation of 50 pixels to the right and 50 pixels down, and warp is used to apply this transform to the image. The result is an image that has been shifted.
However, I must clarify that the current environment doesn't support displaying plots, so the matplotlib part of the code won't work here. You should be able to run it in a Jupyter notebook or similar environment on your local machine. Let me know if you need further help or clarification!

ME: perform the same operation as before but with an image represented in Fourier space. 
#Chat gpt: 
Sure! However, we need to keep in mind that translating an image in the Fourier domain is not the same as translating an image in the spatial domain. In the Fourier domain, translations are performed by multiplying the image by a complex exponential, which essentially changes the phase of the Fourier transform.

Here is a Python code snippet demonstrating translation in the Fourier domain:


import numpy as np
from skimage import data
from scipy.fft import fft2, ifft2, fftshift, ifftshift

# Load an example image
image =

# Compute the 2-dimensional FFT of the image
image_fft = fft2(image)

# Define a translation
dy, dx = 30, 30

# Generate an array with the same size as the image
x = np.arange(0, image.shape[1])
y = np.arange(0, image.shape[0])
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)

# Create the translation function in Fourier space
translation = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * (dx * xv / image.shape[1] + dy * yv / image.shape[0]))

# Translate the image in Fourier space
translated_image_fft = image_fft * translation

# Transform back to spatial domain
translated_image = np.abs(ifft2(translated_image_fft))

# Now you could plot the images
#Chat gpt: 
This code first computes the Fourier transform of the image using fft2. Then it generates a complex exponential function that represents a shift in the Fourier domain. This function is multiplied with the Fourier-transformed image to achieve the translation. Finally, the inverse Fourier transform ifft2 is used to transform the image back to the spatial domain.

As before, the current environment doesn't support displaying plots, so you would need to run this on your local machine to see the translated image.

Another test I revisited was a mathematical problem I had posed to ChatGPT 3.5: “What is the intersection between the unit circle and the curve y = x^2?” The previous version had failed to provide a correct answer. However, ChatGPT 4.0 not only understood the problem but also wrote its own code to solve it, correctly identifying the intersection points. This was a clear demonstration of the AI’s improved mathematical problem-solving capabilities although It’s important to note that only the premium version of ChatGPT 4.0 can run the code it suggests, as it did in the example of the intersection of the unit circle and the parabola. +

  • ME: Can you tell me which is the intersection between the unit circle and the curve “y= x*x”?
  • ChatGPT: The unit circle is defined by the equation x2+y2=x2+y2=1. The curve y=x2 is a parabola. To find their intersection, we can substitute y2 from the equation of the parabola into the equation of the circle, and solve for x2. So, we have x2+(x²)²= 1 or x²+x⁴=1 This is a quartic equation and can be difficult to solve, but let’s give it a try. [AND IT STARTS WRITING AND EXECUTING CODE]

So, is my job in danger now? Well, it’s a complex question. The advancements in AI, as demonstrated by the jump from ChatGPT 3.5 to 4.0, are indeed impressive. The AI’s ability to understand complex tasks and generate accurate solutions is growing quite fast. However, it’s important to remember that AI, at its core, is a tool. It’s a tool that can augment our capabilities, automate mundane tasks, and help us solve complex problems. In the end, whether AI becomes a threat or an ally in our jobs depends largely on how we choose to use it. If we see it as a tool to enhance our skills and productivity, then there’s no danger, only opportunity. But if we see it as a replacement for human intelligence and creativity, then we might indeed have cause for concern. For now, though, I believe we’re safe. The Turing test might be a thing of the past, but the “human test” is still very much alive.

How ChatGPT changed my writing as an ESL speaker

It’s not always easy to live in an Anglophone scientific world when English isn’t your first language. When careers are built upon the ability to communicate ideas clearly and eloquently, struggling to find the right words can be a real hindrance to explain your science in a way that is taken seriously. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not something you can simply “work” on. Often, it doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read, how many years of education you have, or how articulate you are in your original language — your brain will refuse to summon the right expression, or get stuck in a construction that a native speaker would never use. Struggling with a second language is very much a biological phenomenon.

The standard recommendation for ESL (English as a Second Language) speakers has long been to ask a native colleague to read through any text that needs to be published or submitted somewhere (such as an article or a grant application). Well-intentioned as this advice may be, there are multiple problems with it. Lingua franca or not, only 15% of the world population speaks English, of which only 5% are native speakers — meaning that for most scientists not working in Anglophone countries, the option is rarely available. Even when available, it is unreasonable to expect these colleagues to add charitable proof-reading to their workload simply because they happened to be born speaking a different language. But, most importantly, I have always felt — and I want to emphasize that I truly believe most people who issue this kind of advice to be well-intentioned — that the underliying message sounds too much like “you need vetting by a member of our select linguistic club if you want your ideas to be taken seriously“.

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Happy 10th Birthday, Blopig!

OPIG recently celebrated its 20th year; and on 10 January 2023 I gave a talk just a day before the 10th anniversary of BLOPIG’s first blog post. It’s worth reflecting on what’s stayed the same and what’s changed since then.

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The Boltzmann Distribution and Gender Stereotypes

Journalist Caitlin Moran recently tweeted the following:

“I feel like every day now, I read/hear something saying “We don’t talk about what’s POSITIVE about masculinity; what’s GOOD about men and boys.” So: what IS the best stuff about boys, and men? Honest, celebratory question.”

What followed was a collection of replies acknowledging and celebrating various traits seen typically as ‘male’, including certain activities, such as knowing about sports or cars, or a desire to do DIY type work, and characteristics such as physical strength, no-nonsense attitudes and a ‘less complicated’ style of friendship between men.

Whilst I condone Moran’s efforts to turn recent discussions surrounding masculinity on their head and frame it in a positive light, to me the the responses offered and discussion that followed felt somewhat stifling. I am biologically male and identify as male, but do not feel like I personally adhere to most of these stereotypes. I am not physically strong, I know very little about cars and sports, and find there be just as much nuance and drama in male-male friendships as there is in friendships between other genders. 

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Some Musings on AI in Art, Music and Protein Design

When I started my PhD in late 2018, AI hadn’t really entered the field of de novo protein design yet – at least not in a big way. Rosetta’s approach of continually ranking new side chain rotamers on a fixed backbone was still the gold standard for the ‘structure-to-sequence’ problem. And of course before long we had AI making waves in the structure prediction field, eventually culminating in the AlphaFold2 we all know and love. 

Now, towards the end of my PhD, we are seeing the emergence of new generative models that learn from existing pdb structures to produce sequences that will (or at least should) fold into viable, sensible and crucially natural-looking shapes. ProtGPT2 is a good example (, but there are several more. How long before these models start reliably generating not only shapes but functions too? Jury’s out, but it’s looking more and more feasible. Safe to say the field as a whole has evolved massively during my time as a graduate student.

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Coarse-grained models of antibody solutions

Various coarse-grained (CG) models have become increasingly common in studies of antibody-antibody interactions in solution. These models appear poised to enter development pipelines in the near future to help predict and understand how antibody-antibody interactions influence the suitability of a given monoclonal antibody (mAb) for mass production and delivery as an antibody therapy. This blog post is a non-exhaustive summary of some of the highlights I found during a recent literature search.

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Musings on Digital Nomaddery from Seoul

The languorous, muggy heat of the Korean afternoon sun was what greeted me after 13 hour cattle-class flight from a cool, sensible Helsinki night. The goings-on in Ukraine, and associated political turmoil, meant taking the scenic route – avoiding Russia and instead passing over Turkey, Kazakstan and Mongolia – with legs contorted into unnatural positions and sleep an unattainable dream. Tired and disoriented, I relied less on Anna’s expert knowledge of the Korean language than her patience for my jet-lag-induced bad mood and brain fog. We waited an hour for a bus to take us from Incheon airport to Yongsan central station in the heart of the capital. It was 35 °C.

I’ve been here for a month. Anna has found work, starting in November; I have found the need to modify my working habits. Gone are the comfortable, temperate offices on St Giles’, replaced by an ever-changing diorama of cafés, hotel rooms and libraries. Lugging around my enormous HP Pavilion, known affectionately by some as ‘The Dominator’, proved to be unsustainable.

It’s thesis-writing time for me, so any programming I do is just tinkering and tweaking and fixing the litany of bugs that Lucy Vost has so diligently exposed. I had planned to run Ubuntu on Parallels using my MacBook Air; I discovered to my dismay that a multitude of Conda packages, including PyTorch, are not supported on Apple’s M1 chip. It has been replaced by a combination of Anna’s old Intel MacBook Pro and rewriting my codebase to install and run without a GPU – adversity is the great innovator, as the saying goes.

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Tidbits from YouGov Polls

Some recent verdicts from the British public on YouGov polls

  • The Queen (97%) is less well known than her husband Prince Philip (98%)
  • Liz Truss’ UK popularity rating (21%) is lower than George W. Bush’s (22%)
  • The most popular British dish is ‘Chips’ (84%) followed by ‘Fish and Chips’ (83%)
  • Oxford (55%) is a less popular university than Cambridge (58%)

So much for Aristotle’s ‘wisdom of crowds’!

Tackling horizontal and vertical limitations

A blog post about reviewing papers and preparing papers for publication.

We start with the following premise: all papers have limitations. There is not a single paper without limitations. A method may not be generally applicable, a result may not be completely justified by the data or a theory may make restrictive assumptions. To cover all limitations would make a paper infinitely long, so we must stop somewhere.

A lot of limitations fall into the following scenario. The results or methods are presented but they could have extended them in some way. Suppose, we obtain results on a particular cell type using an immortalized cell-line. Are the results still true, if we performed the experiments on primary or patient-derived cells? If the signal from the original cells was sufficiently robust then we would hope so. However, we can not be one hundred percent sure. A similar example is a method that can be applied to a certain type of data. It may be possible to extend the method to be applied to other data types. However, this may require some new methodology. I call this flavor of limitations vertical limitations. They are vertical in the sense that they build upon an already developed result in the manuscript. For certain journals, they will require that you tackle vertical limitations by adapting the original idea or method to demonstrate broad appeal or that idea could permeate multiple fields. Most of the time, however, the premise of an approach is not to keep extending it. It works. Leave it alone. Do not ask for more. An idea done well does not need more.

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Sharing Data Responsibly: The FAIR Principles

So you’ve submitted your paper, made your code publicly available, and maybe even provided documentation to ensure somebody can reproduce your work. But what about the data your work is based on? Is that readily available to your readers, too?

Maybe it’s too large to put on GitHub alongside your code. Maybe it’s sensitive, or subject to GDPR restrictions, so you can’t just stick a download link on your website. Maybe it’s in a proprietary format that needs non-open software to read. There are many reasons sharing data can be less straightforward than sharing code, and often it’s not entirely clear what ‘best practices’ are for a given situation. Data management is a complicated topic, and to do it justice would require far more than a quick blog post. Instead, I’d like to focus on a single source of guidance that serves as a useful starting point for thinking about responsible data management: the FAIR principles.

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