Author Archives: Carlos Outeiral Rubiera

PyMOL: colouring proteins by property

We all love pretty, colourful pictures of proteins. There is quite a variety of programs to produce publication-quality images of proteins, some of the most popular being VMD, PyMOL and Chimera. Each has advantages and disadvantages — for example, VMD is particularly good to deal with molecular dynamics simulations (perhaps that’s why it is called “Visual Molecular Dynamics”?), and Chimera is able to produce breathtaking graphics with very little user input. In my work, however, I tend to peruse PyMOL: a Python interface is incredibly helpful to produce quick analyses.

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Lightning-fast Python code

Scientific code is never fast enough. We need the results of that simulation before that pressing deadline, or that meeting with our advisor. Computational resources are scarce, and competition for a spot in the computing nodes (cough, cough) can be tiresome. We need to squeeze every ounce of performance. And we need to do it with as little effort as possible.

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Common denominators between a PhD and an Oxford ball

One of the things I love about Oxford is the way it pushes you to become a well-rounded person. It does so by means of a wealth of talks and lectures, and also through the college system that encourages meeting people from different disciplines, but above all through the strong culture of student projects. This place will encourage you, perhaps even push you, to take part in fantastic projects that will make the already very demanding workload even worse… but also teach you incredible skills and get you to work with wonderful, inspiring people.

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What is the hydrophobic-polar (HP) model?

Proteins are fascinating. They are ubiquitous in living organisms, carrying out all kinds of functions: from structural support to unbelievably powerful catalysis. And yet, despite their ubiquity, we are still bemused by their functioning, not to mention by how they came to be. As computational scientists, our research at OPIG is mostly about modelling proteins in different forms. We are a very heterogeneous group that leverages approaches of diverse scale: from modelling proteins as nodes in a complex interaction network, to full atomistic models that help us understand how they behave.

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A gentle primer on quantum annealing

If you have done any computational work, you must have spent some time waiting for your program to run. As an undergraduate, I expected computational biology to be all fun and games: idyllic hours passing time while the computer works hard to deliver results… well, very different from the more typical frenetically staring at the computer, wishing the program would run faster. But there is more — there are some problems that are so intrinsically expensive that, even if you had access to all the computers on Earth, it would take more than your lifetime to solve a slightly non-trivial case of them. Some examples are full configuration interaction calculations in quantum chemistry, factorisation of prime numbers, optimal planning, and a long, long, etcetera. Continue reading