Tag Archives: Baking

Free food!

Yesterday I walked into Group Meeting not having read Bernhard‘s paper (shameful, I know), and I was immediately asked “Where is the Daleks post on the blog?”.  To which I mumbled something unconstrued, because I am not sure what a Dalek is and because I didn’t know we were doing post requests.

Anyway, at every group meeting one of us is responsible to organise the talk and another to supply food.  The only current rule (since the well-received demise of the “No alcohol” one)  is: “No tomatoes“.  We’ve had a number of original and tasty contributions: Dominos pizza, Ben’s and Millies cookies, truckloads of Haribos, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Sushi, Nutella baguettes and home-baked delights.

But Eoin‘s contribution takes the prize this round (a small trophy in Lab Room #1).


Eoin’s Dr. Who Daleks sugar rush inducing cakes (click for the juicy detail).

So, a small pointer to OPIG prospective students – “baking” and “creative thinking” skills are really well appreciated and look good on your CV!