Author Archives: Konrad Krawczyk

Journal Club: The Origin of CDR H3 Structural Diversity

Antibody binding site is broadly composed of the six hypervariable loops, the CDRs. There are three loops on the antibody light chain (L1, L2 and L3) and three loops on the antibody heavy chain (H1, H2 and H3).

Out of the six loops, five appear to adopt a constrained set of structural conformations (L1, L2, L3, H1 and H2). The conformations of H3 appear much less constrained, which was suggested to be the result of its higher relative importance in antigen recognition (however it is not a necessary condition). The only observations to date about the shapes of CDR-H3 is the existence of the extended and kinked conformations of its anchor.

The function of the kink was investigated recently by Weitzner et al. Here, the authors contrasted the geometry found in the antibody CDR-H3 loops to a set of 15k non-antibody polypeptides. They found that even though the extended conformation appears to be more favorable, the kinked one can also be found in many cases, particularly in the PDZ domains.

Weitzner et al. find that the extended conformation is much more common in non-antibody loops. However, the kinked conformation, even though less frequent is not outright rare. The situation is the opposite in antibodies where the majority of H3 conformations are kinked rather than extended.

The authors contrasted the sequence patterns of kinked antibody loops and kinked non-antibody loops and did not find anything predictive of the kinked conformation — suggesting that the effect might be non-local. Nonetheless, the secondary structure pattern of the kinked H3 and the kinked non-antibody loops appears similar.

Even though there might be no sequence-kink link, the authors indicate how their findings might improve H3 structure prediction. They demonstrate that admixing the kinked non-antibody loops into a template dataset for an H3 modeling software might provide more relevant templates.

In conclusion, the main message of the paper (selon moi) is putting forward of the hypothesis as to the role of the H3 kink. Since the kink is much more prevalent in H3 than in non-antibody proteins, there is a strong suggestion that there might be a special role for it. The authors suggest that the kinked conformation allows for more structural diversity, that would otherwise be restricted in the more rigid beta-stranded extended conformation. Thus, antibodies might have opted for a system wherein, they do not need to add dramatic mutations to their H3 in order to get more structural flexibility.


Graphical User Interface for MOSAICS as a PyMOL plugin — PymoSAICS

MOSAICS is suite of sampling methods for molecular simulations of motion of nucleic acid and protein structures. It’s applicability has been demonstrated in simulating large ensembles of nucleic acids (Sim 2012, Minary 2014) and proteins.

Starting with a protein/dna/rna structure you would like to examine, the basic modus operandi of MOSAICS is divided into three parts:

  • Pick your energy function or a statistical/empirical potentials (e.g. empirical Amber or CHARMM)
  • Pick your sampling methodology — e.g. parallel tempering
  • Details of simulation: solvent (implicit?), degrees of freedom (cartesian, torsional?) etc.

The energy function defines the energy surface with respect to your degrees of freedom (DoFs) and the sampling methodology is supposed to explore the conformational space along DoFs.

One of the main fortes of MOSAICS lies in the ability of defining hierarchichal natural moves. Defining regions of collective motion introduces experimental knowledge and intuition into the simulations, greatly accelerating sampling. Ability to define such regions  was one of the main reasons to start the development of the graphical user interface (GUI) for MOSAICS — preliminary version can be seen in the Figure below.


Overview of PymoSAICS in its current form.

Since we are developing the GUI as a plugin for Pymol, we called it PymoSAICS. The initial focus of the project is on nucleic acids due to our interests in the structural effects of epigenetic modifications. As demonstrated in the Figure above, the GUI is divided into three main panels:

  • Current run — prepare a simulation
  • Simulation Manager — manage previous runs, import, export protocols
  • Help — That’s just a link to our website!

Users can upload their favorite structure via PymoSAICS or Pymol and play with the available parameters. The GUI is also an ongoing effort to streamline the available protocols in MOSAICS to shield the user from the many parameters that are available but perhaps not relevant to the simulation at hand.

We are currently starting beta tests of the application which (if you don’t mind not getting any support just yet) is available here, Therefore, if you are interested in becoming a tester please let me know, and you will receive a version around Easter (April-ish)! Contact me via konrad.krawczyk at


Antibody modeling via AMA II and RosettaAntibody


Protein modeling is one of the most challenging problems in bioinformatics. We still lack a clear theoretical framework which would allow us to link linear protein sequence to its native 3D coordinates. Given that we only have the structures for about a promile of the known seqs, homology modeling is still one of the most successful methods to obtain a structure from a sequence. Currently, using homology modeling and the 1393 known folds we can produce models for more than half known domains. In many cases this is good enough to get an overall idea of the fold but for actual therapeutic applications, there is still a need for high-resolution modeling.

There is one group of molecules whose properties can be readily exploited via computational approaches for therapeutic applications: antibodies.  With blockbuster drugs such as Humira, Avastin or Remicade, they are the leading class of biopharmaceuticals. Antibodies share a great degree of similarity with one another (<50-60% sequence identity) and there are at least 1865 antibody structures in the PDB. Therefore, homology modeling of these structures at high resolution becomes tractable, as exemplified by WAM and PIGS. Here, we will review the antibody modeling paradigm using one of the most successful antibody modeling tools, RosettaAntibody, concluding with the most recent progress from AMA II (antibody CASP).

General Antibody-antigen modeling

Modeling of antibody structures can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Identification of the Framework template
  2. Optimizing Vh/Vl orientation of the template
  3. Modeling of the non-H3 CDRs
  4. Modeling of H3

Most of the diversity of antibodies can be found in the CDRs. Therefore, the bulk of the protein can be readily copied from the framework region. This however needs to undergo an optimization of the Vh/Vl orientation. Prediction of the CDRs is more complicated since they are much more variable than the rest of the protein. Non-H3 CDRs can be modeled using canonical structure paradigms. Prediction of H3 is much more difficult since it does not appear to follow the canonical rules.

When the entire structure is assembled, it is recommended to perform refinement using some sort of relaxation of the structure, coupled with an energy function which should guide it.


RosettaAntibody protocol roughly follows this described above. In the first instance, an appropriate template is identified by highest BLAST bit scores. The best heavy and light chains aligned to the best-BLAST-scoring Fv region. The knowledge-base here is a set of 569 antibody structures form SACS with resolutions 3.5A and better. The Vh/Vl orientation is subsequently refined using local relaxation, guided by Charmm.

Non-H3 CDRs are modeled using the highest-scoring BLAST hit of the same length. Canonical information is not taken into account. Loops are grafted on the framework using the residues overlapping with the anchors.

H3 loops are modeled using a fragment based approach. The fragment library is Rosetta+H3 from the knowledge base of antibody structures created for the purpose of this study. The low-resolution search consists of Monte Carlo attempts to fit 3-residue fragments followed by Cyclic Coordinate Descent loop closure. This is followed by high resolution search when the H3 loop and Vh/Vl are repacked using a variety of moves.

Each decoy coming from the repacking is scored using Rosetta function. The lower the Rosetta score the better the decoy (according to Rosetta).


RosettaAntibody can produce high-quality models (1.4A) on its 54 structure benchmark test. The major limitation of the method (just like any other antibody modeling method) is the H3 loop modeling. It is believed that H3 is the most important loop and therefore getting this loop right is a major challenge.

Right framework and the correct orientation of Vh/Vl have a great effect on the quality of H3 predictions. When the H3 was modeled on using the correct framework, the predictions are order of magnitude better than by using the homology model. This was demonstrated using the native recovery in RosettaAntibody study as well as during ‘Step II’ of the Antibody Modeling assessment where participants were asked to model H3 using the correct framework.

Distance matrix clustering

In Bioinformatics, we often deal with distance matrices such as:

  • Quantifying pairwise similarities between sequences
  • Structural similarity between proteins (RMSD?)
  • etc.

Next step is to study the groupings within the distance matrix using an appropriate clustering scheme. The obvious issue with most clustering methods is that you would need to specify the number of clusters beforehand (as for K-Means). Assuming that you do not know very much about the data and ‘plotting’ it is not an option, you might try non-parametric hierarchichal clustering such as linkage. The main difference between the two approaches is that using linkage you specify what the maximal distance within each cluster should be and thus the number of clusters will be adjusted accordingly. Par contre, using K-Means you do not have such a distance-guarantee within each cluster since the number of groups is predefined.

Here I will provide a short piece of python code that employs the hcluster library to perform linkage clustering.


Download hcluster, unpack it and inside the unpacked folder type:

python install

Alternatively, if you’re not an admin on your machine type:

python install --user

 Example Code

The purpose of the example bit of code is to generate a random set of points within (0,10) in the 2D space and cluster them according to user’s euclidean distance cutoff.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import show
from hcluster import pdist, linkage, dendrogram
import numpy
import random
import sys

#Input: z= linkage matrix, treshold = the treshold to split, n=distance matrix size
def split_into_clusters(link_mat,thresh,n):
   for row in link_mat:
      if row[2] < thresh:

          if n_1 >= n:
             link_1= [n_1]

          if n_2 >= n:
             link_2= [n_2]

          clusters[c_ts] = link_1
          return clusters

#Size of the point matrix
rows = 10 #number of points
columns = 2 #number of dimensions - 2=2D, 3=3D etc.
samples = numpy.empty((rows, columns))

#Initialize a random points matrix with values between 0, 10 (all points in the upper right 0,10 quadrant)
for i in xrange(0,rows):
    for j in xrange(0,columns):
       samples[i][j] = random.randint(0,10)

#Show the points we have randomly generated
print "Samples:\n ", samples

#Create the distance matrix for the array of sample vectors.
#Look up 'squareform' if you want to submit your own distance matrices as they need to be translated into reduced matrices
dist_mat = pdist(samples,'euclidean')

#Perform linkage clustering - here we use 'average', but other options are possible which you can explore here:
z = linkage(dist_mat, method='average',metric='euclidean')

#Specify a cutoff that will define the clustering - command line argument: 
#python 3.0
cutoff = float(sys.argv[1])
clustering = split_into_clusters(z,cutoff,rows)
if clustering==None:
	print "No clusters! Most likely your distance cutoff is too high - all falls into the same bag!"

#Print the potential singletons - in magenta
for i in xrange(0,rows):
	plt.plot(samples[i][0],samples[i][1], marker='o', color='m', ls='')
	plt.text(samples[i][0],samples[i][1], str(i), fontsize=12)
#If there are more clusters than these the code will fail!
colors = ['b','r','g','y','c','k']

cluster_num = 0
for cluster in clustering:
   print "Cluster: ",cluster_num
   for i in clustering[cluster]:
	print "-->",i
	plt.plot(samples[i][0],samples[i][1], marker='o', color=colors[cluster_num], ls='')

#Set the axis limits

#Alternatively plot it as dendogram to see where your distance cutoff performed the tree cut

When I ran the code above (python [whatever you call the script].py 2.0) that’s what I got (colors correspond to clusters with ‘magenta’ being singletons):


And there is a dendogram command on the bottom of the script to see what the clustering has actually done and where it performed the cut according to your specified cutoff (colors DO NOT correspond to clusters here):



Hcluster library forms part of scipy with very useful methods for data analysis. You can modify the above code to use a variety of other hierarchichal clustering methods which you can  further explore here.

Quick Standalone BLAST Setup for Ubuntu Linux

Some people run into trouble trying to setup a standalone version of BLAST using the NCBI instructions. Here a stremalined process will be presented, targeted at Ubuntu.

I assume that you are aware of the paradigms of blast, meaning that there are several executables for searching nucleic acids or proteins and there are different databases you can blast against. Sinon, you should read up on the available search tools  and databases before you attempt to install Blast. NB, throughout this document, I am using protein blast and protein input – changing to nucleotide sequences is trivial as you just change blastp to blastn and ‘prot’ to ‘nt’ in obvious places (and of course you use different queries and target databases).
Without further ado, Blast setup for UNIX.
There are two components for the installation:
  1. Executables (bastn, blastp etc.)
  2. Databases. (nr, nt etc.)
Both are described below with follow-up examples of usage.
Ad.1 The executables can be downloaded and compiled from here (download the source, run ./configure then make and finally make install in the directory of the untarred file). However a much easier way to do it under Ubuntu is:
sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+
This automatically installs everything. In both cases to check if all went ok, type:
which blastp
If you get a directory such as /usr/local/bin than all went well and that’s where your executables are.
Ad.2 FIrst, you need to decide on where to store the databases. Do this by setting the environment variable:
export BLASTDB=/path/to/blastdbs/of/your/chosing
Now, we can either use one of the ncbi-curated databases or create our own. We will do both.
A) Downloading and using an ncbi-curated database.
The databases can be downloaded using the update_blastdb script. As an example I will download a non redundant protein database which is referred to as ‘nr’:
sudo update_blastdb --passive --timeout 300 --force --verbose nr
ls *.gz |xargs -n1 tar -xzvf
rm *.gz.*

The penultimate command extracts all the files you have downloaded and the last one removes the downloaded archives.

Now you should be able to use your new database by executing (where somesequence.fasta is your sample query):

blastp -db nr -query somesequence.fasta


B) Creating your own database.

Firstly, put a bunch of fasta protein sequences into a file called sample.fa

Next, execute the following

makeblastdb -in sample.fa -dbtype 'prot' -out NewDb

We have now created a blast protein database from your fasta file, called NewDB. The last line simply moves all the blast files to the database directory.

Now you should be able to use your new database by executing (where somesequence.fasta is your sample query):

blastp -db NewDb -query somesequence.fasta



These instructions are the shortest way I could find to get a working stand-alone BLAST application. If you require more info, you can look here.


CAPRI, pyDock and the state of protein-protein docking.


We have discussed a paper highlighting the latest progress in the field of protein-protein docking. It covers the results of the participation of the pyDock group in CAPRI. The latest round of the experiment is particularly interesting as it challenged the participants with affinity prediction which is going one step beyond modeling protein-protein complexes.

Role of the group in this CAPRI edition

For those that are not very familiar with CAPRI, one can participate in any of the following roles:

  • Predictors: Participants are given the unbound structures or sequences of one or both interacting partners. Predictors are then supposed to submit a ranked list of modeled complexes which can be achieved by any docking/prediction tools and some human intervention. This tests the current ad hoc capacity to model protein-protein complexes.
  • Servers: Participants are given the unbound structures or sequences of one or both interacting partners that are supposed to be submitted to an automatic server which needs to return the results (ideally) within 24 hours. This tests the automated capacity to model protein-protein models.
  • Scorers: The community contributes sets of poses (unranked) for each target. The scorers are then supposed to re-rank the poses. This is a form of cross-validation of methods since one could expect that the group that samples the poses also performs better scoring. This exercise is supposed to quantify this.

The pyDock group participates in the capacity of Predictors and Scorers. Below we first outline the general docking methodology, followed by the particular implementation of the pyDock group.

General Docking Methodology

Protein-protein docking starts with two interacting structures at input: (ligand (L) and receptor (R)) (if the structures are unavailable a model is created). The docking techniques can be broadly divided into two types: template based and template-free. In template-based docking, one needs either a complex of homologs or one that is sufficiently structurally similar. However since it is estimated that the number of complexes in the PDB only covers ~4% of the presumed total, this approach is not applicable in a great number of cases.

Template-free docking does not rely on pre-solved complexes and it is the main focus of this post. Standard modus-operandi of a template-free protein-protein docker is the following:

  1. Sample N poses.
  2. Re-score top D sampled poses.
  3. Refine the top K poses.

In the first step, possible poses of ligand with respect to the receptor. This is very often achieved by FFT (ZDOCK) or more elaborate methods such as geometric hashing/pose clustering (PatchDock). The possible orientations are ranked by a simplified energy function or a statistical potential. In most cases this step is performed in rigid-body mode (intra-molecular distances are not allowed to change) for the computational efficiency. The number of sampled poses is usually in the thousands (N~ 2k-10k).

The re-scoring set uses a more elaborate energy function/statistical potential to identify more close-to native poses. Notable examples include pyDock and ZRANK. Since such functions are usually more expensive computationally (for instance pyDock calculates the LJ potential, Coulombic electrostatics and desolvation terms), it is more tractable to apply them to a smaller set of (D<<N) of top poses as returned by the rigid-body sampler. Additionally, the final poses might be pruned for redundancy by removing structures which are very similar to each other. One method in particular (ClusPro) owes its success to scoring the rankings based on the numbers of similar decoys per cluster out of a number of top predictions.

The final step constitutes the refinement of the select top K poses (K<<D). Here, flexibility might be introduced so as to account for conformational changes upon binding. Tools used to achieve this are very computationally expensive energy fields such as AMBER or CHARMM. The coordinates of side-chains or even backbones are distorted, for instance using normal mode calculations, until the energy function reaches an energetic minimum via a flavor of gradient descent.

Fig. 1: Breakdown of results of the pyDock group at the latest CAPRI round. The results are presented for each target, in the predictor as well as scorer capacity.

Fig. 1: Breakdown of results of the pyDock group at the latest CAPRI round. The results are presented for each target, in the predictor as well as scorer capacity.

The pyDock group Methodology and Results

The pyDock group follows the pattern outlined above. As a sampler they employ ZDOCK and FTDOCK, both fast rigid-body Fast Fourier Transform-based methods. They use their pyDock function to score the best models. Additionally, they remove redundancy from the final lists of decoys by removing these entries which are too similar to the higher-scoring ones according to ligand rmsd. The final refining step is carried out using TINKER.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

The pipeline outlined above is carried out in most of targets, however there are some exceptions. For some targets, additional docking poses were generated using SwarmDock (T53, T54, T57 and T58) and RotBUS (T46 and T47). In some cases rather than using TINKER at the refinement stage, CHARMM or AMBER were used.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

Such ad hoc approaches were employed for almost every target. Available information was employed to the fullest in order to achieve best models. For instance, in cases where good homology structures were available (T47), or it was known which residues appear of importance to the complex, appropriate distance constraints were imposed. The pyDock group achieves better accuracy as predictors rather than scorers when it comes to docking (67% correct models submitted against 57%). They follow a trend wherein predictors usually do better than scorers (See Fig. 1). This trend is however broken at the stage of predicting the water molecules at the interface of T47. Using DOWSER In the predictor capacity they correctly identify 20% contact-mediating water molecules and 43% as scorers.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

Overall, the performance of docking is indicating that the field is steadily moving forward towards achieving the goal of modeling complexes using sequence alone. There were some cases in this round where predictor groups started with sequence only and still produced reasonable models of complexes (T47, T50 and T53). In each of these cases one of the partners was an unbound structure and the other was a sequence. The only case where both partners were sequences did not produce any reasonable models. In this case only two groups out of 40 managed to present meaningful solutions.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

Furthermore, this CAPRI round was the first to introduce affinity prediction – in targets T55 – T56. The aim was to predict the binding energy changes upon mutations. The predictor designed by the pyDock group achieved a good results on this test case with more in-depth details on the approach found in a related community-wide experiment.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.

Receptor is shown in white. Best ligand as predictors in red, as scorers in blue.


Annotate Antibody CDR and Framework Residues


Antibodies have very well conserved structures and their binding site is chiefly comprised of the six CDRs. The great similarity between the 1700+ antibody structures that can be found in SAbDab/PDB prompted the introduction of numbering schemes which act as coordinates with respect to the sequence/structural features of antibodies. The earliest such numbering scheme was introduced by Wu and Kabat, followed by the structurally informed Chothia-scheme which was eventually amended by Abhinandan and Martin. Even though there are several of those schemes, the one currently endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) is this of IMGT.

The Program Downolad.

It annotates the framework and CDR residues according to three definitions: Kabat, Chothia or Contact. You can download it here.

Possible issues?

You need internet connection for this program to work since it calls the Abnum service, thus you should cite the following if you use this code:

Abhinandan, K.R. and Martin, A.C.R. (2008) Analysis and improvements to Kabat and structurally correct numbering of antibody variable domains Molecular Immunology, 45, 3832-3839.

How to use it?

As an example test case, type the following in the Framer directory:

python --f 1A2Y.pdb --c AB --o my_first_output --d chothia

This should get the the heavy and light chains of 1A2Y (A and B) and leave the output in a folder called my_first_outupt.


–f: Antibody file
–c: Antibody chains (you can submit just one or several)
–o: Output folder name – NB this is going to be created in the directory you call Framer from!
–d: CDR definition to be used, possible options are: chothia, kabat and contact.

Output files:

There are four output files:

red_blue.pdb: The pdb with b-factor colored CDRs. The CDRs have B-factor of 100.00 and the framework 0.00.
paratope.txt: The CDR residues, given in the format [id][whitespace][chain]
framework.txt: The Framework residues, given in the format [id][whitespace][chain]
full_info.txt: Full breakdown of the annotation given in the format:

Original ID Original Chain AA Chothia ID CDR(FR=frame,or CDR id)


Get PDB intermolecular protein contacts and interface residues

Very often in Struc Bio it is necessary to determine the contacts between two molecules. Most of us in the group have written a snippet of code to compute precisely that or they have adapted the Biopython functionality or one of the tools in pdbtools. The piece of code written in Python presented here is a Biopython variety that gives you the intermolecular contacts and it annotates the interface neighborhood. An example of the program output is given in the Figure below:

The complex between an antibody and an antigen is shown on the left without the annotation. On the right it is shown with intermolecular contacts annotated in red (4.5A distance) and the interface neighborhood shown in green (10A away from any contact residue).

The complex between an antibody and an antigen is shown on the left without the annotation. On the right it is shown with intermolecular contacts annotated in red (4.5A distance) and the interface neighborhood shown in green (10A away from any contact residue).


You can download it from here. There are three files inside:

  1. – the main source/runnable file
  2. README.txt – instructions, very similar to this post (quite a lot copy/pasted)
  3. 1A2Y.pdb – the PDB file used in the example to practice on.


You need Biopython. (if you are from OPIG or any other Bioinformatics group, most likely it is already installed on your machine). You can download it from here.

How to use it?

As the bare minimum, you need to provide the structure of the pdb(s) and the chains that you want to examine contacts in.

Input options:

  • –f1 : first pdb file [Required]
  • –f2 : second pdb file (if the contacts are to be calculated in the same molecule, just submit the same pdb in both cases) [Required]
  • –c1 : Chains to be used for the first molecule [Required]
  • –c2 : Chains to be used for the second molecule [Required]
  • –c : contact cutoff for intermolecular contacts (Optional, set to 4.5A if not supplied on input) 
  • –i : interface neighbor cutoff for intramolecular neighborhood of the contacting interface (Optional, set to 10.0A if not supplied on input). Set this option to zero (0.0) if you only want to get the intermolecular contacts in the interface, without the interface neighborhood.
  • –jobid : name for the output folder (Set to out_<random number> if not supplied on input)

An example which you can just copy paste and run when in the same directory as the python script:

python --f1 1A2Y.pdb --f2 1A2Y.pdb --c1 AB --c2 C --c 4.5 --i 10.0 --jobid example_output

Above command will calculate the contacts between antibody in 1a2y (chains A and B) and the antigen (chain C). The contact distance was defined as 4.5A and the interface distance was defined as 10A. All the output files are saved in the folder out_example_output.


Output folder is placed in the current directory. If you specify the output folder name (–jobid) it will be saved under the name ‘out_[whateveryoutyped]’, otherwise it will be ‘out_[randomgeneratednumber]’. The program tells you at the end where it saved all the files.

Input options:

  • molecule_1.pdb – the first supplied molecule with b-factor fields of contacts set to 100 and interface neighborhood set to 50
  • molecule_2.pdb – the second supplied molecule with b-factor fields of contacts set to 100 and interface neighborhood set to 50
  • molecule_1.txt – whitespace delimited file specifying the contacts and interface neighborhood in the second molecule in the format: [chain] [residue id] [contact ‘C’ or interface residues ‘I’]
  • molecule_2.txt – whitespace delimited file specifying the contacts and interface neighborhood in the second molecule in the format: [chain] [residue id] [contact ‘C’ or interface residues ‘I’]
  • molecule_1_constrained.pdb – the first molecule, which is constrained only to the residues in the interface.
  • molecule_2_constrained.pdb – the second molecule, which is constrained only to the residues in the interface.
  • parameters.txt – the contact distance and neighborhood distance used for the particular run.

Standardize a PDB

In many applications you need to constrain PDB files to certain chains. You can do it using this program.

A. What does it do?

Given a pdb file, write out the ATOM and HETATM entries for the supplied chain(s), put them on a single chain with the name provided by the user.

PDB_standardize needs four arguments:

  1. PDB file to constrain.
  2. Chains from the pdb file to constrain.
  3. Output file.
  4. Name of the new chain

B. Requirements:

Biopython – should be installed on your machines but in case you want to use it locally, download the latest version into the’s directory (don’t need to build).

C. Example use:

C.1 Constrain 1A2Y.pdb to chains A and B, placed on a single chain C – write results in constr.pdb

python -f 1A2Y.pdb -c AB -o const.pdb -s C


C.2 Constrain 1ACY to chain L, with a new chain name F, write results in const.pdb – this example shows that the constrainer works well with ‘insertion’ residue numbering as in antibodies where you have 27A, 27B etc.

python -f 1ACY.pdb -c L -o const.pdb -s F


Constrain a PDB to particular chains

In many applications you need to constrain PDB files to certain chains. You can do it using this program.

A. What does it do?

Given a pdb file, write out the ATOM and HETATM entries for the supplied chain(s).

PDB_constrain needs three arguments:

  1. PDB file to constrain.
  2. Chains from the pdb file to constrain.
  3. Output file.

B. Requirements:

Biopython – should be installed on your machines but in case you want to use it locally, download the latest version into the’s directory (don’t need to build).

C. Example use:

C.1 Constrain 1A2Y.pdb to chains A and B – write results in constr.pdb

python -f 1A2Y.pdb -c AB -o const.pdb


C.2 Constrain 1ACY to chain L, write results in const.pdb – this example shows that the constrainer works well with ‘insertion’ residue numbering as in antibodies where you have 27A, 27B etc.

python -f 1ACY.pdb -c L -o const.pdb