Tag Archives: Proteins

Understanding positional encoding in Transformers

Transformers are a very popular architecture in machine learning. While they were first introduced in natural language processing, they have been applied to many fields such as protein folding and design.
Transformers were first introduced in the excellent paper Attention is all you need by Vaswani et al. The paper describes the key elements, including multiheaded attention, and how they come together to create a sequence to sequence model for language translation. The key advance in Attention is all you need is the replacement of all recurrent layers with pure attention + fully connected blocks. Attention is very efficeint to compute and allows for fast comparisons over long distances within a sequence.
One issue, however, is that attention does not natively include a notion of position within a sequence. This means that all tokens could be scrambled and would produce the same result. To overcome this, one can explicitely add a positional encoding to each token. Ideally, such a positional encoding should reflect the relative distance between tokens when computing the query/key comparison such that closer tokens are attended to more than futher tokens. In Attention is all you need, Vaswani et al. propose the slightly mysterious sinusoidal positional encodings which are simply added to the token embeddings:

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Do you have cis peptide bonds in your simulation inputs?

People who run molecular simulations quickly become familiar with all of the things about a PDB file – missing residues, missing heavy atoms in residues, missing hydrogens, non-standard amino acids, multiple conformations, crystallization ligands, etc. – that might need to be fixed before setting up a simulation. This blog post is a reminder to check, after you have “fixed” your PDB, if you have accidentally introduced aberrant cis peptide bonds into your structure during rebuilding.

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MM(PB/GB)SA – a quick start guide

The MMPBSA.py program distributed Open Source in the AmberTools21 package is a powerful tool for end-point free energy calculations on molecular dynamics simulations. In its most simple application, MMPBSA.py is used to calculate the free energy difference between the bound and unbound states of a protein-ligand complex. In order to use it, however, you need to have an Amber-compliant trajectory file, which means you need to setup and run your simulation fairly carefully.

While the Amber Manual and the MMPBSA tutorial provide lots of helpful information, putting everything together into a full pipeline taking you from structure to a free energy is another story. The goal for this guide is to provide a schematic you can follow to get started. This guide assumes you are familiar with molecular dynamics simulations and the theory of MMPBSA.

The easiest way I have found to do this, using only Open Source software, is:

(1) Download your raw PDB file. If you are lucky and it contains a complete set of heavy atoms (excepting perhaps a terminal OXT here and there, which tleap will add for you in step 3) you are good to go.

(2) Use the H++ webserver to determine the protonation states of each residue and add hydrogens as needed. This webserver is particularly convenient because it will allow you to directly download a PQR file that you can use to generate your starting topology and coordinates. Note that you have various options to choose the pH and internal/external dielectric constants for the calculation.

(3) Use tleap to generate your topology (prmtop) and coordinate (mdcor) files for your simulations. Do not forget that you will need not only the prmtop for the solvated complex, but also a dry prmtop for each of the complex, receptor, and ligand. Load the PQR file from H++ and do not forget to set PBRadii *to the same value for all prmtops*. A typical tleap script for setting up your solvated complex would look something like:

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ICML 2020: Chemistry / Biology papers

ICML is one of the largest machine learning conferences and, like many other conferences this year, is running virtually from 12th – 18th July.

The list of accepted papers can be found here, with 1,088 papers accepted out of 4,990 submissions (22% acceptance rate). Similar to my post on NeurIPS 2019 papers, I will highlight several of potential interest to the chem-/bio-informatics communities. As before, given the large number of papers, these were selected either by “accident” (i.e. I stumbled across them in one way or another) or through a basic search (e.g. Ctrl+f “molecule”).

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Electrostatic interactions govern extreme nascent protein ejection times from ribosomes and can delay ribosome recycling

Finishing up a lingering project from your PhD almost a year into your postdoc is a great feeling, especially when it has actually been about 3 years in the making.

Though somewhat outside of the usual scope of activities in OPIG, I encourage you to take a look if the below summary grabs your interest. The full paper and supporting materials (including some movies which took entirely too long to make) can be found at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.9b12264.

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NeurIPS 2019: Chemistry/Biology papers

NeurIPS is the largest machine learning conference (by number of participants), with over 8,000 in 2017. This year, the conference will be held in Vancouver, Canada from 8th-14th December.

Recently, the list of accepted papers was announced, with 1430 papers accepted. Here, I will highlight several of potential interest to the chem-/bio-informatics communities. Given the large number of papers, these were selected either by “accident” (i.e. I stumbled across them in one way or another) or through a basic search (e.g. Ctrl+f “molecule”).

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Dealing with indexes when processing co-evolution signals (or how to navigate through “sequence hell”)

Co-evolution techniques provide a powerful way to extract structural information from the wealth of protein sequence data that we now have available. These techniques are predicated upon the notion that residues that share spatial proximity in a protein structure will mutate in a correlated fashion (co-evolve). This co-evolution signal can be inferred from a multiple sequence alignment, which tells us a bit about the evolutionary history of a particular protein family. If you want to have a better gauge at the power of co-evolution, you can refer to some of our previous posts (post1, post2).

This is more of a practical post, where I hope to illustrate an indexing problem (and how to circumvent it) that one commonly encounters when dealing with co-evolution signals.

Most of the co-evolution tools available Today output pairs of residues (i,j) that were predicted to be co-evolving from a multiple sequence alignment. One of the main applications of these techniques is to predict protein contacts, that is pairs of residues that are within a predetermined distance (quite often 8Å).  Say you want to compare the precision of different co-evolution methods for a particular test set. Your test set would consist of a number of proteins for which the structure is known and for which sufficient sequence information is available for the contact prediction to be carried out. Great!

So you start with your target sequences, generate a number of contact predictions of the form (i,j) for each sequence and, for each pair, you check if the ith and jth residues are in contact (say, less than 8Å apart) on the corresponding known protein structure. If you actually carry out this test, you will obtain appalling precision for a large number of test cases. This is due to an index disparity that a friend of mine quite aptly described as “sequence hell”.

This indexing disparity occurs because there is a mismatch between the protein sequence that was used to produce the contact predictions and the sequence of residues that are represented in a protein structure. Ask a crystallographer friend if you have one, and you will find that in the process of resolving a protein’s structure experimentally, there are many reasons why residues would be missing in the final structure. More so, there are even cases where residues had to be added to enable protein expression and/or crystallisation. This implies that the protein sequence (represented by a fasta file) frequently has more (and sometimes fewer) residues than the proteins structure (represented by a PDB file).  This means that if the ith  and jth residues in your sequence were predicted to be in contact, that does not mean that they correspond to the ith and jth residues in order of appearance in your protein structure. So what do we do now?

A true believer in the purity and innocence of the world would assume that the SEQRES entries in your PDB file, for instance, would come to the rescue. The SEQRES describes the sequence of residues exactly as they appear on the atom coordinates of a particular PDB file. This would be a great way of mitigating the effects of added or altered residues, and would potentially mitigate the effects of residues that were not present in the construct. In other words, the sequences described by SEQRES would be a good candidate to validate whether your predicted contacts are present in the structure. They do, however, contain one limitation. SEQRES also describe any residues whose coordinates were missing in the PDB. This means that if you process the PDB sequentially and that some residues could not be resolved, the ith residue to appear on the PDB could be different to the ith residue in the SEQRES.

An even more innocent person, shielded from all the ugliness of the the universe, would simply hope that the indexing on the PDB is correct, i.e. that one can use the residue indexes presented on the “6th column” of the ATOM entries and that these would match perfectly to the (i,j) pair you obtained using your protein sequence. While, in theory, I believe this should be the case, in my experience this indexing is often incorrect and more frequently than not, will lead to errors when validating protein contacts.

My solution to the indexing problem is to parse the PDB sequentially and extract the sequence of all the residues for which coordinates are actually present. To my knowledge, this is the only true and tested way of obtaining this information. If you do that, you will be armed with a sequence and indexing that correctly represent the indexing of your PDB. From now on, I will refer to these as the PDB-sequence and PDB-sequence indexing.

All that is left is to find a correspondence (a mapping) between the sequence you used for the contact prediction and the PDB-sequence. I do that by performing a standard (global) sequence alignment using the Needleman–Wunsch algorithm. Once in possession of such an alignment, the indexes (i,j) of your original sequence can be matched to adjusted indexes (i',j') on your PDB-sequence indexing. In short, you extracted a sequential list of residues as they appeared on the PDB, aligned these to the original protein sequence, and created a new set of residue pairings of the form (i',j') which are representative of the indexing in PDB-sequence space. That means that the i’th residue to appear on the PDB was predicted to be in contact with the j’th residue to appear.

The problem becomes a little more interesting when you hope to validate the contact predictions for other proteins with known structure in the same protein family. A more robust approach is to use the sequence alignment that is created as part of the co-evolution prediction as your basis. You then identify the sequence that best represents the PDB-sequence of your homologous protein by performing N global sequence alignments (where N is the number of sequences in your MSA), one per entry of the MSA. The highest scoring alignment can then be used to map the indexing. This approach is robust enough that if your homologous PDB-sequence of interest was not present in the original MSA for whatever reason, you should still get a sensible mapping at the end (all limitations of sequence alignment considered).

One final consideration should be brought to the reader’s attention. What happens if, using the sequence as a starting point, one obtains one or more (i,j) pairs where either i or j is not resolved/present in the protein structure? For validation purposes, often these pairs are disregards. Yet, what does this co-evolutionary signal tell us about the missing residues in the structure? Are they disordered/flexible? Could the co-evolution help us identify low occupancy conformations?

I’ll leave the reader with these questions to digest. I hope this post proves helpful to those braving the seas of “sequence hell” in the near future.

The Emerging Disorder-Function Paradigm

It’s rare to find a paper that connects all of the diverse areas of research of OPIG, but “The rules of disorder or why disorder rules” by Gsponer and Babu (2009) is one such paper. Protein folding, protein-protein interaction networks, protein loops (Schlessinger et al., 2007), and drug discovery all play a part in this story. What’s great about this paper is that it gives numerous examples of proteins and the evidence supporting that they are partially or completely unstructured. These are the so-called intrinsically unstructured proteins or IUPs, although more recently they are also being referred to as intrinsically disordered proteins, or IDPs. Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) “are polypeptide segments that do not contain sufficient hydrophobic amino acids to mediate co-operative folding” (Babu, 2016).

Such proteins contradict the classic “lock and key” hypothesis of Fischer, and challenge Continue reading

The Protein World

This week’s issue of Nature has a wonderful “Insight” supplement titled, “The Protein World” (Vol. 537 No. 7620, pp 319-355). It begins with an editorial from Joshua Finkelstein, Alex Eccleston & Sadaf Shadan (Nature, 537: 319, doi:10.1038/537319a), and introduces four reviews, covering:

  • the computational de novo design of proteins that spontaneously fold and assemble into desired shapes (“The coming of age of de novo protein design“, by Po-Ssu Huang, Scott E. Boyken & David Baker, Nature, 537: 320–327, doi:10.1038/nature19946). Baker et al. point out that much of protein engineering until now has involved modifying naturally-occurring proteins, but assert, “it should now be possible to design new functional proteins from the ground up to tackle current challenges in biomedicine and nanotechnology”;
  • the cellular proteome is a dynamic structural and regulatory network that constantly adapts to the needs of the cell—and through genetic alterations, ranging from chromosome imbalance to oncogene activation, can become imbalanced due to changes in speed, fidelity and capacity of protein biogenesis and degradation systems. Understanding these complex systems can help us to develop better ways to treat diseases such as cancer (“Proteome complexity and the forces that drive proteome imbalance“, by J. Wade Harper & Eric J. Bennett, Nature, 537: 328–338, doi:10.1038/nature19947);
  • the new challenger to X-ray crystallography, the workhorse of structural biology: cryo-EM. Cryo-electron microscopy has undergone a renaissance in the last 5 years thanks to new detector technologies, and is starting to give us high-resolution structures and new insights about processes in the cell that are just not possible using other techniques (“Unravelling biological macromolecules with cryo-electron microscopy“, by Rafael Fernandez-Leiro & Sjors H. W. Scheres, Nature, 537: 339–346, doi:10.1038/nature19948); and
  • the growing role of mass spectrometry in unveiling the higher-order structures and composition, function, and control of the networks of proteins collectively known as the proteome. High resolution mass spectrometry is helping to illuminate and elucidate complex biological processes and phenotypes, to “catalogue the components of proteomes and their sites of post-translational modification, to identify networks of interacting proteins and to uncover alterations in the proteome that are associated with diseases” (“Mass-spectrometric exploration of proteome structure and function“, by Ruedi Aebersold & Matthias Mann, Nature, 537: 347–355, doi:10.1038/nature19949).

Baker points out that the majority of de novo designed proteins consist of a single, deep minimum energy state, and that we have a long way to go to mimic the subtleties of naturally-occurring proteins: things like allostery, signalling, and even recessed binding pockets for small moleculecules, functional sites, and hydrophobic binding interfaces present their own challenges. Only by increasing our understanding, developing better models and computational tools, will we be able to accomplish this.

Good looking proteins for your publication(s)

Just came across a wonderful PyMOL gallery while creating some images for my (long overdue) confirmation report.  A fantastic resource to draw sexy proteins – especially useful for posters, talks and papers (unless you are paying extra for coloured figures!).

It would be great if we had our own OPIG “pymol gallery”.

An example of one of my proteins (1tgm) with aspirin bound to it:

Good looking protein