Tag Archives: iPython

Storing variables in Jupyter Notebooks using %store magic

We’ve all been there. You’ve just run an expensive computation in your Jupyter Notebook and are about to draw those conclusions which will prove that your theories were right all along (until you find the sixteen bugs in your code which render them invalid, but that’s an issue for a different time). Then at the critical moment, your flatmate begins streaming their Lord Of The Rings marathon in 4k and your already temperamental Wi-Fi severs your connection to the department servers in protest, crashing your Jupyter Notebook, leaving your hopes and dreams in tatters.

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Interesting Jupyter and IPython Notebooks

Here’s a treasure trove of interesting Jupyter and iPython notebooks, with lots of diverse examples relevant to OPIG, including an RDKit notebook, but also:

Entire books or other large collections of notebooks on a topic (covering Introductory Tutorials; Programming and Computer Science; Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Science; Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology; Linguistics and Text Mining; Signal Processing; Scientific computing and data analysis with the SciPy Stack; General topics in scientific computing; Machine Learning, Statistics and Probability; Physics, Chemistry and Biology; Data visualization and plotting; Mathematics; Signal, Sound and Image Processing; Natural Language Processing; Pandas for data analysis); General Python Programming; Notebooks in languages other than Python (Julia; Haskell; Ruby; Perl; F#; C#); Miscellaneous topics about doing various things with the Notebook itself; Reproducible academic publications; and lots more!  


Viewing 3D molecules interactively in Jupyter iPython notebooks

Greg Landrum, curator of the invaluable open source cheminformatics API, RDKit, recently blogged about viewing molecules in a 3D window within a Jupyter-hosted iPython notebook (as long as your browser supports WebGL, that is).

The trick is to use py3Dmol. It’s easy to install:

pip install py3Dmol

This is built on the object-oriented, webGL based JavaScript library for online molecular visualization 3Dmol.js (Rego & Koes, 2015); here's a nice summary of the capabilities of 3Dmol.js. It's features include:

  • support for pdb, sdf, mol2, xyz, and cube formats
  • parallelized molecular surface computation
  • sphere, stick, line, cross, cartoon, and surface styles
  • atom property based selection and styling
  • labels
  • clickable interactivity with molecular data
  • geometric shapes including spheres and arrows

I tried a simple example and it worked beautifully:

import py3Dmol
view = py3Dmol.view(query='pdb:1hvr')


The 3Dmol.js website summarizes how to view molecules, along with how to choose representations, how to embed it, and even how to develop with it.


Nicholas Rego & David Koes (2015). “3Dmol.js: molecular visualization with WebGL”.
Bioinformatics, 31 (8): 1322-1324. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu829