GO annotations: Warning – secondary IDs!

I’m writing this post after a bit of a scare that has cost me at least 2 hours of my life so far, and possibly may cost me a lot more. This is something I wished I had read about before starting to use gene ontology annotations (GO terms), so hopefully this will reach some people that are in the position I was in a couple of years ago. The post assumes you know about the GO directed acyclic graph (DAG), which describes the relationships between GO terms, and a bit about functional similarity. Good reviews on this were written by Pesquita et al (2009) and Guzzi et al (2012)


Secondary GO-terms

Yesterday evening I discovered GO terms can have secondary accession numbers. For example the GO term GO:0060555 is a secondary ID for GO:0070266 which describes the biological process term “necroptotic process”. The existence of secondary IDs in itself is not particularly surprising given that ontologies like the gene ontology are at the forefront of research and thus also have to be updated with the latest knowledge. As is the case for the UniProt KB and the RefSeq databases identifiers are merged if they are found to refer to the same thing. RefSeq has a good overview for when and why this occurs in their FAQ. Keeping a record of secondary IDs in the database is important for compatibility with past applications of the ontology.


Why is this a problem?

This can become a problem when the reverse compatibility is not fully committed to. For example, if the downloadable annotation set for human proteins contains GO terms that are secondary IDs, while the downloadable ontology structure does not include these secondary IDs in the directed acyclic graph (DAG). This means someone may download all the annotations and check what their parent terms are in the DAG, but as these terms are not included in the DAG, they do not have a parent term set.


So why the scare?

It seems like this behaviour should become obvious very fast. It should either give a key error that you are looking for something that isn’t there, or an empty set should ring some alarm bells. The scare comes in when neither happens, and you just don’t notice it at all, only to find out a couple of years later…

In order to calculate the functional similarity between two proteins, I need the full GO term sets associated with every protein including ancestral terms. I have a local copy of the ontology structure which I can use to query for these ancestral terms based on the GO terms directly associated with the proteins. As I need to do this for between 6800 and 13000 proteins depending on the network, I automated the process. The problem is that MySQL returns an empty set when asking for a match on an accession number that isn’t there. Returning an empty set has the effect that terms not in the ontology structure are automatically filtered out. This came to light now that I’m looking to explicitly calculate the information content of each GO term (a metric for how prevalent a term is in a data set) and three terms could not be found in the ancestral term sets for any proteins.


How do I prevent this from happening to me?

As there are only few secondary ID terms associated with proteins in the downloadable association file, it is easy to manually look for mappings to the respective primary IDs in the EBI QuckGO tool. Then, before querying for ancestral term sets, just map the secondary IDs across to the newer IDs and you’re all set. It’s really not a hassle if you know it’s there. Sadly, there is only a sentence on the gene ontology site about secondary IDs and no mention whatsoever that these IDs are not incorporated in the GO-basic ontology download, which is recommended for finding ancestral term sets.


Are you okay now?

As I hinted at before, there are very few proteins annotated with secondary ID terms. In my case I found three secondary ID GO terms annotated to five different proteins, out of a total 6861 proteins I was checking. One protein was also annotated with the corresponding primary ID term, so there was no effect, and another protein was annotated with the only parent term of the secondary ID, which no other proteins were annotated to. Thus, the effect really boils down to three proteins with the same secondary ID. Of those three, only one is heavily affected in the worst case by its similarity score with 10 other proteins changing from 9.3 to 2.6 without the primary ID annotation (scores range from ~ 1.5 to 12). Those are 10 scores out of a total of approximately 24 000 000… I think I will survive. But I am yet to test on a further data set.


The effect is basically that you ignore a couple of annotations. Given that we do not have the full set of annotations anyway, this change is the same as if an experiment or two hadn’t been conducted. Furthermore, the three proteins I found to be affected had a lot of annotations, so missing one should not have the worst-case effect I investigated. Nonetheless, you may want to do it properly first time round and take all the data into account when you start out. It should save you a lot of hassle later.


Stay vigilant, my friends!
